Discounted gtx 760

If you are looking for a Gtx 760 copy and paste the link (you need an account). If we get enough voters we will have a shot at it being massdropped and if we have enough buyers we can get a good deal on one!

why 760? cant we do a 960, or a 280? since the 280 is priced so well now.

I second Hound. do yourself a favor get something a little better


280, 285, 280X. Can all be had for a similar price. Less usually. Hell just spend $30 more than 960 and get a 290. 

Do not get a 960, get a 280 instead. I will contribute a vote for the sake of the budget crowd

Used 7970's can be found on ebay from 120-150 dollars and are still a very very capable card, just be careful buying used. I will be getting one for my new rig to carry me over to the 300 series release.

I just realized how old this thead is. my god kill it, KILL THE THREAD LOL

wow i just notice it now xD


good job guys lol