Surely I can't be the only one who is incredibly disappointed by the release of RotT. Whether it's the horrible optimixzation, or the other various bugs, i'm a bit flustered. This is the first game i've pre-ordered on Steam... ever, so obviously my hype was out of this world. But on the first start-up I realized the true nature of this game.
I have a 7970 and was pulling 30-45 fps on high settings. And i'm not the only one, obviously. If you check the Community page for RotT, you will see nearly everyone else is experiencing similar issues. And the DEV is trying to do some MAJOR damage control. Claiming they are doing everything in their power to fix the problems. Some people have found ways to deter some of the bugs with editing of files. But honestly, I shouldn't have to dick around with files to get a game to work.
As disappointed as I personally am, I understand everyone makes mistakes, big and smaller developers alike (let's not forget SimCity 5, or Dead Island). I am more than willing to give this game a chance when it is patched. And am eagerly awaiting that day so i can play on the tek server!
How does anybody who bought this game feel? Is there any easy fix?
I personally haven't had a bug yet, getting more frames than my 60hz monitor can display running max settings, haven't run in to any bugs that make the game unplayable. So fat single play seems fun, haven't tried multi-player probably will tonight once more people get on th tekserver. I really like the game play, so much like the ut and quake games of the past. I can understand why people are upset that they can't play the game its great. Only downside I've had so far is the 1 rocket launcher limit even in multiplayer, I miss all the guns UT2k4 had at once.
Most people with intel systems have no framerate problems, but I have a friend with a 3570k and 7850 and he also claims that the game runs like shit. I have an FX-6100 and a 760 and the game still runs pretty bad.
As for the actualy gameplay, there's just that one super OP gun thats basically and instagib rocket launcher thing that has an enormous radius. Also they need to add some sort of sniper rifle to the game so we can have a good instagib mode.
I have 3570k with 660ti and for me it run smootly. But as so many have problems I may have gotten lucky.
And the biggest problem I have is that I get stuck on different things so much. Maybe I can rocketjup out but usually its back to the checkpoint. And I think there is a secret that cant be accessed since the enterance doesn't allow you through.
I also don't like that dedicated server needs DirectX to run so I can't run it on a virtual machine where I cant install DX. Maybe they will change it with the first patch.
But other then that I find the game fun. Its fast, pretty, cool weapons, good levels so far. For me it's worth the $15 I spent on it.
I'm disappointed by the performance issues, definitely. The gameplay I love, though. I just wish it would run smoother so I could enjoy it more. A game that fast-paced needs to run with more than the 35 frames/sec I'm averaging. One of the devs in the community chat said that they'll be fixing bugs over the next 8 days.
Overall I'm slightly disappointed, but when I think of other games I love, I remember I didn't start playing them until well after they were released and therefore didn't experience all the bugs that they most likely had in their earlier stages. So with that in mind I'm trying to rein in some of my disappointment and give it a chance to sort itself out over time.
It still brought me like ten fun hours of gameplay yesterday, so I can't complain too much at this point.
I find it funny that i have a 550 Ti and i can run the game on high with physx and still have playable fps. I think it is just poor cpu optimization. Btw i have a 4670k.
At least they are working on it, faster than what a lot of other games have these days even. I hope they get fixed soon, it sucks for people on AMD builds and this game is so fun I'd hate for them to missout on it.
Even though the game runs on one of my cards it still runs perfect for me. My cpu is 8120 and cards are 2 570's
As for the game I am kind of disappointed, I seem the have a magnet in my character as he likes to stick to walls, weapon balance is pretty bad and most of the maps are too small. It is also pretty bad when I have to edit the games files in order to get rid of the stupid mouse acceleration.