-Thumb drive
-Windows 11 iso modified to bypass installation requirements (specifically secure boot), I used a standard Windows 11 iso downloaded from Microsoft using the Media Creation tool and imaged to flash drive using Rufus.
I am in no way affiliated with Rufus but recommend donating to the Free Software Foundation ( to help support FOSS… also EFF,, and the Tor project but that’s another story.
-Reboot to UEFI settings
-set UEFI administrator password to unlock secure boot option
-disable secure boot
-change boot priority to USB drive
-Install “Intel RST VMD Controller” driver for your machine if no drive is visible (may also need chipset driver)
-Delete all partitions on drive
-Install Windows (auto selects Windows 11 home)
-Check for updates
-Windows Update > Advanced options > Get me up to date - on
-Restart now everytime the dialog prompts (do not click retry or install now)
-Repeat until only “retry all” is option in updates (these are drivers)
-Select “retry all”, only a few will install
-Update Microsoft store
-Reboot to Windows
-Windows Update > Advanced options > Get me up to date - off
-Reboot into UEFI settings
-Enable Secure boot
-Remove Administrator Password from UEFI
-Boot into Windows
-Run SFC and DISM
Run into any problems, give me a hollar