Disable threadripper cores from bios

Hi i have a 1950x cpu and an asus zenth extreme mob. Could someone kindly tell me if i can disable cores from the bios and if yes how please?

Thanks i advance!

I’m not seeing core enablement options in the manual.

On the MSI board, it’s under settings -> advanced -> AMD CBS -> Zen Common options -> Core/Thread Enablement

I don’t have a TR system, but I’m not sure how many people have this board, so I figured I’d give you what I could find.

Hope this helps!

Just curious…why are you trying to disable cores?

Yes i managed to find it! However it does not let me disable cores myself… highest option is 4+0 i was thinking of disabling half the cores which would leave me with 8. 4 is a bit too low…


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For gaming purposes mainly

Glad I can help!

Have you tested using the Ryzen Master software and setting the computer to game mode?

there is guides shortcuts and programs that make doing this way easier.

processor affinity guide

is a good guide .

I use C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C start /affinity FFFF Steam.exe
to launch steam games with a fixed cpu count .

and there is a program on steam called cpu cores that is on sale as i type this that MAY allow you to do the same thing .

there is also process lasso from https://bitsum.com/

as well as several others





and others as well but these are the mostly reccomended ones .

but the command tools are generally all you really need.