DirectX 12 to be presented this month

That's it folks, DirectX 12 will be presented March the 20th 2014, less than 20 days from now, promising Closer to metal code.

So do you guys think this move is due to the close level implementation of Mantle? the picture of the press invitation has the Nvidia and AMD logo, as well as Intel and Qualcomm. 

I do think it's a response to mantle.

I wouldn't be surprised if they have been working primarily at making DirectX more effective for low power device technology like tablets and ultra portables. Also there's been no hint yet about any time table. It might not be a safe bet to just assume that it's even going to come out together with Windows 9. But we should of course know a lot more after the GDC talks.

I think that too but I don't think APIs should be bonded with Operating systems :S because otherwise you are creating fragmentation within the platform.

I agree DX monopoly is the only thing apart from windows being pre-installed, that I can think of that locks people into windows.

OpenGL, cough, cough.


I always thought that mantle was nothing more than a gun pointed at microsoft to make them get their shit together and sort out the software layer.

In my mind the worst case scenario would have been that ms didn't announce this and amd got lumbered with trying to go it alone.

This way a much larger company carries the cost of developing the software which will make YOUR hardware run better.

It just annoys me that it took this long for ms to admit that current direct x is so sucky.

Happy days

I knew they wouldnt play nice. I dont think they can justify their new os by throwing a bone to the gaming community. Admittly they better do something.

I think this is horrible. Mantle was a great opportunity to promote growth, to promote switching APIs, to use OpenGL or Mantle instead of Microsoft's proprietary thing. It was to get developers to expand.

But now, there's no reason for developers to stop using DirectX. Or at least, less reason. This is actually going to set back progress quite a bit.

My idea is, this is going to make things worse. I agree with that.

fear the same as both of you

I dunno, I mean dx 12 will probably windows 9 exclusive, opengl and mantle can, in theory, work on any os. How many people are really gonna ditch 7, or even 8, for an os that is trying to force the tablet bs even more and unify the windows os, phone and xbone for just dx 12? Heck devs are still milking dx9!

DirectX 12 is ready for release, the arent going to wait years to let it out, it will be on Windows 8.

If MS locks DX12 to MS9, Mantle will still be relevant to the rest of us who are hesitant. Even so, AMD admited that matle was supposed to get MS and Khronos to produce a mantle like architecture

If Micro$haft released DX for linux natively, there would be no issues with gaming on either OS. But Micro$haft is not going to do that so OpenGL needs to blow DX out of the water with DX11 effects and then some. Come on AMD release Mantle for Linux and open up the code to the Linux guys. Let them help you fix this API and make it stronger and better. I hate proprietary crap.