Digital Millenium Notification of Appreciation for L1News

In the Q&A you all talked about the news and other videos’ audience being different.

I came for the other videos, stuck for the news, stayed for the forum.

The news are long and frequent, they are not an appealing format on first look. For many months, I ignored them as well.

Now (or uh… over a year, not much of an idea how long), I’d say L1News is the best. The pro criminal tip personality aside it covers topics I want to know about, yet don’t really hear about elsewhere.

With other news, every god-damn topic gets to you 10 times over. I’ve opted to only hear about the general topics via chats and L1News, then go after my niche informational sources. Be it forums, IRC, twitter (via RSS) or RSS.

Indeed, I don’t often share anything from the news. If I do, I use the OneTab link. It’s difficult to quickly get a ‘get a clip of this video (&t=1337 is possible), with context and a link to the article’. I guess I’m different, I get L1News to my podcast player :^)