Hello there,
I've come here to ask for some advice and information about some college or university courses involving the IT or programming business, I need to choose soon, however I still have me some time to weigh all the options. As of late it pretty much hit me straight in the face that the years in high school passed me by like a flash. And it's getting me terribly nervous and anxious.
Here in Belgium we don't really get to choose our courses, we have more streamlined compilations of certain lessons that work together towards a certain career path or field. And because of unfortunate events when I was younger, I slacked hard in middle school. Which caused me to end up in a somewhat more unfortunate position during high school. Good thing I discovered that I really liked programming, and it started to motivate me to study well, causing me to have really high grades. Eventually this left me time to do more self-studied programming. The downside was that now that I ended up in a simplified field that only really leaves you one option in college, which was to do webdesign, and only that. And frankly, I really really hate drawing, I don't see myself as a designer. It also means that I get a lesser amount of math and science hours than a typical high school student, causing me to lag behind on the requirements needed for higher education.
The part that has gotten me worried tough is that most, if not all of the college IT fields here in Belgium involve some sort of language course, causing you to learn French because it's an official language. I'm really really bad at it and after 6 years of jamming it down your throat in high school and middle school, I'm absolutely trough with it. However that's not the only issue, They also require you to have had a basic electricity course as well as enough math knowledge. The latter of which I already started working on through math self-study, cause I do actually like math a lot. As with all things that you self-study tough, there's the probability of holes in things that you happened to miss.
There is an alternative however, but it seems like too great of a gamble to make. There's this school focused around digital art, and 3D programming. They don't require any previous background in math or science as they teach the essential knowledge needed for programming 3D applications from the ground up. However, they require that you're not only an outstanding programmer, but also an outstanding artist. I can only really draw enough to express my ideas for someone else to build on top off, but actually spending my time drawing seems pretty daunting for me, as I don't really enjoy it.
Do you perhaps think there are other courses that don't require some of these things? Or should I keep at it and bite through the sour apple?
Thanks for reading and/or helping, I felt the need to provide some background story, I excuse myself. I've also noticed that there are a lot of such posts on this forum, and I hope that I didn't annoy anyone by posting yet another.
Have a nice day!