I feel like this has been answered before, but Did he go to college, if so, where and for what?
which one? and for what?
Wendell* Please.
It was in an episode on the Teksyndicate Youtube channel. I guess you'll just have to watch them all to find out ;)
I see what you did there.
was that a logan bear reference?
I think it was more of an attempt to make you watch all the videos, thus boosting viewing figures. But i may be wrong.
yeah, probably.
No, it was an attempt to get you to watch the videos and learn for yourself ;)
He went to Evil Scientists University.
he did.
ok, I'll look :)
Youll learn a lot watching the videos, hopefully it will save you some time in the future. Always good to learn.
Wendell got his degree at M.A.D.
We had a class together there