Did the AMD GPU VBIOS flasher for linux get removed?

So I’m working out a possible vbios issue with my rx 570 (won’t use over 100W even though the power limit is set to 140W, so probably was a mining card :/) and was trying to install amdvbflash from the AUR, but the GitHub page (https://github.com/patrickschur/amdvbflash) is a 404. The AUR package says it was last updated in November, so I guess it must have happened since then. Anyone know what’s up with that?

Oops, there’s a comment on the AUR saying it was DMCA’d… that really sucks. Anyone know how to flash vbios from linux in that case?

A working link. as of Feb/10/2021 GitHub - Strunzdesign/amdvbflash: AMD vBIOS flash utility for Linux