Did Nvidia really just proudly anounced, they will record all my gameplay?

It seems to be a feature that requires deep game integration. I bet this doesn't actually record the game, but rather the game state like a replay in old battlefield games or CSGO spectator style replays allowing you to then select, export and edit things, which seems much more realistic on performance, quite a few games have had it before, but it's usually a feature that needs to be deeply integrated by devs.


i will laugh at nv users, as it means that they'll be loosing performance; and now spying takes whole new.


if the game engine tells the SDK it's significant, Shadowplay spins up, combining previously recorded gameplay with live recordings, to create a perfect video of your glory moment.

I agree with @catsay Sure looks like there needs to be some substantial game integration. But I dunno, looks like another of those gimmicks.

Don't forget you may have to pay for the privilege if gfe becomes paid subscription... It doesn't look far fetched.

Nvidia build their name and brand on gimmicks, such as physx, gameworx, Ansel, simultaneous multi projection etc.


Yip and PhysX still sucks compared to most CPU bound physics calculation. I once tried to build a game engine that did GPU bound physics and Graphics calculations, it's damn horrible to make it scale beyond tech demos.

its great.

Yeah, even outside of games. Softimage XSI had the option to use the PhysX engine to drive physics, usually I switched it straight out for the "Open Dynamics Engine" I found t gave me a lot better results and faster.

AMD Raptor had that feature, 30 minutes of the past on screen events were on harddrive. As you can imagine, it sucked really bad (and got replaced with ReLive).



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I always opt to not install Geforce Experience on a new driver install.

Question is: how long can we get away with that until NVIDIA makes Geforce Experience required to install?

Answer: AMD Vega is looking nice.... lol


Grammar nazy...
When I'm posting from my smartphone it auto corrects it ... No such luck with my pc...

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Fixed that for you.

I actually like this idea very much. I may be the only one tho.

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The idea is good. I don't trust Nvidia to execute it well.

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I use shadow play and the performance impact is verry small. And video is saved to a local disk so where is the spying.
And if you don't like it turn it off.

One, GFE isn't becoming paid, there's an additional service on top of GFE that you can opt into.
Two, another way saying "pay for the privilege is "OPT IN".

Dude I get you hate everything Nvidia does but like, c'mon now. Fuck I don't love them either, the last 2 GFE cards I've put in friends PC's were AMD. When it comes time to change my card I'll be eyeing whatever comes after Vega. But like, can we look at this semi-objectively? Its not even like this is that big of a deal. Shadowplay has a tiny performance hit as is, and its going to be lesser if its baked in instead of added on top of the game. This isn't spying either, representing it as that is kinda ridiculous. Its game recording, not desktop recording, and definitely not spying. This seems akin to demos in CS:GO...

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I am not really sure what this is suppose to be as a news. This is why i started the topic basically.

But other Nvidia services are, and we don't really know what they may move behind the pay wall, as they did with accounts..

Well, you say that, and i agree. It is not as it is at the moment, but wasn't there something in the drivers of Nvidia some time ago, that did some data collection or something? Again, not sure, so i am asking.

I dislike Nvidia and most of their stuff passionately. I understand the idea of this "technology", but until people confirm it works properly, i am looking at it as the possible worst case scenario.

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That was a mess of a thread. The driver now does more proactive dump sending to Nvidia among other things, but the applicable EULA prohibits any spying nature of anything close to it. You can read the Gamers Nexus analysis of it here:

They did inspection of the EULA and the packet level analysis to see what exactly was being sent.

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the "driver only" package now comes with the same telemetry as GFE, only difference is that they can't tie your data to your social media account that they now require you to log in with

Yes, because EULAs have stopped data breaches in practical terms in the past, and scrubbed data can't easily be fingerprinted.

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