So I made my PC when it was around christmas, and I was wondering if I made the wrong choice when I went with an i5-3570K instead of the FX-8350 since it's proven itself.
I shall list my parts then ask the question I have
CPU: i5-3570k
Mobo: Asus P8Z77V-LK
GPU: 7850 Sapphire (OC)
Storage: Seagate barracuda 1TB
PSU: 650W OCZ modxstream
I think thats all thats that reallly matter. I do plan on eventually doing crossfire.
I was wondering if I was better off going with the FX-8350, because as I saw logan livestreaming (which is something that I do) I saw that it was better off with the AMD, however I followed what my Father, Friends, Siblings said and when with the Intel. Will it still work just fine? I was completly happy with it until I saw Logan video about these two processors anyways I'll stop typing and let you guys reply, Thanks for reading!
No you did not!!
You should have got a 5800K and the 7970, with a 350 watt PSU to fit in a 480GB SSD.
Because AMD 4 lyfe, even their 1 core athlons shit on that crappy 3570k.
Because i got taught by the best of teh best here.
No, 3570k's are great processors and you did fine, though it's not advisable to crossfire or SLI ever.
Don't Crossfire unless you have 7970's, but yeah, the i5 is great (especially for small form factor builds!) and the i5 runs as fast as the 8350 (if not a little bit faster) in Crysis.
Who told you lot this?
He should save cash and get an APU with a 7970...
God help you if metalAMDFAN or whatever his shity name is see's you using your brains!!!!
@ jleano3, you should see very similar performance to my 2500k + 480 rig, if you OC that 7850 to around 1300mhz on the core.
So i will link this thread.
It is a piss take out of a true idiot on these forums, but i think you can work out which ones are my rig :)
the 5800k would be a MASSIVE bottleneck! (just sayin)
I am just joking around :)
I am taking the piss out of someone who thinks APU's are the way forwards...
Oh so I didn't need that extra wattage xD. well anyways thanks for the info I was really scared! I would ask what card I should invest my money in for the next gen of cards but I think there is another palce for that ayways thanks!!!
Oh God, now they are trolling again. I'm sorry for them, they just don't often have people coming here asking questions that they can get so worked up about. No, you did not make a poor decision, as the 3570k is an excellent processor. It may not be quite as nice for everything as the 8350, but the same could be said against the 8350. There are tradeoffs for both seeing as how they use different architectures, there are different things at which each excell, and you shouldn't feel the least bit bad about going intel. However, it is somewhat sad that you bought in before the AMD Radeon 7870 XT series came out, as they are significantly nicer than the original 7870's. I would definitely suggest building an HTPC around the 7850, or selling it or something and Crossfiring two 7870 XT cards.
@ Mndless Ok thats the sort of thing I expcted form this place :D thank you, also this is completely new to me XT??
I never heard about it :( Probably why I didn't get it.
and also I am a nub and don't know what you mean by "HTPC around the 7850"could you explain ?