Did Chinese people steal my apple-id ? and should i let them keep it?

On 21.12.20 they logged into imessage with a name like: FzEkIgUt
On 30.01.21 they changed my billing info and downloaded 5 VPNapps from mainland china.

So now im wondering. Are maybe dissidents using my account?
if so, then why dont they create their own?
could it be that an account created in china cannot get some apps like VPN related stuff?

i created this account almost a decade ago with a secondary e-mailadress to temporarily use an iphone when my htc broke. i never gave them a creditcardnumber or even a prepaid code.

but im a little worried that im overlooking something and this could screw me somehow.

i hope my questions are not toooo stupid, but i dont know any place that might be more qualified to at least give a useful opinion

edit: i can still reset my password but dont want to kick out people who get far more use out of the account than me.

You’ve already got the right idea. Change your password etc. This is the internet and you shouldn’t trust anyone.


Was 2FA disabled?

well i am not even sure that was a thing when i created this account.

i also made a mistake in the first post: they did not really change my billing info. they just changed the name to stephanie and apple considers that billing info, even though this account has no billing info.

to me it is worthless and useless and i wont cry if they take it away from me completely. so im not worried about loosing it and more about something they can use the account for , that causes legal trouble.

It has valuable data: your personal data. Maybe incomplete, but scammers are very good puzzle players: they scrounge the web for data and put together the pieces to complete the puzzle and at one point, they have enough to impersonate you and claim huge sums or cause havoc otherwise.


ok so i took the account back and checked whats going on.
they changed the billing and delivery adress to some place in turkey.
what are the odds Louis Rossmann recieved donor boards, that were originally sourced via this scam :abacus: :thinking: