Devourment's new album


I've been listening to it for a couple of days now and so far have mixed feelings about it. I mean it's "good" overall, but I guess I was expecting more out of it. The agression is back and their style is now more concise. Where the first album was mostly Slam Death and their second album was just a clusterfuck of noise without substance, the new album is more akin to Brutal Death. Vocals sound clearer and much better than on the second album. Still guttural but there are a few "traditional" Death Metal vocals thrown in here and there. Guitars sound clearer as well, and have more diversity on this album aside from the typical Slam Death chugging. Drums sound a bit muffled to me. I guess the issue I have with it, is that most tracks sound the same to me. The only ones that stand out are "50-Ton War Machine" and "Carved Into Ecstacy". 


Any other's thoughts on their new album? Any fans of the band here?

The new album is freaking insane. Love it.

I really do hope this one is good, I didn't really like their last one so much.