Hi there, last minute registration incoming!
I had hoped this year to get some more insight into rust, web technologies, and GUI stuff. So for my devember challenge, I’ll try to combine everything and build a web app using the above. What app am I trying to code? Glad you asked! I wanna try to implement a programmatic ECAD app (think openscad meets kicad). Now since that is whole lot of Area to cover for someone who has no knowledge of that sort of things, I guess I’ll get no where near a finished product, or even a minimal viable product, but just maybe a proof of concept. So the Idea is to have fun and learn stuff. I’ll actually did some research already and am gonna start tomorrow with coming up with a more concrete battle plan.
So long!
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Okay, I’ve put up a GitHub repository where you can track my progress, I’ll probably copy over my daily efforts into this thread as well.
Today I came up with a battle plan on how to procede, give that I’ve never really used any Rust or done any web development. The Idea is to first focus on getting a website up and running, for this I have two starting points
- Rust wasm tutorial
- Yew framework examples
Today I’ve started on the first item and got a web page up and went a little deeper into the tutorial
Next up I want to further familiarize with the technologies I want to use (The whole HTML/CSS/JS and Rust stack and how it interacts with the browser and such). After that I’ll look into how to get started on actually coding what my app should do, which is a programmatic approach to ECAD (think of it as a combination of openscad and kicad with the goal being to eventually be able to create a small circuit and hopefully get it fabricated (something like a small 555 blinky thing)
Sorry, the last two days I got held up by work. However I’ve got this day off so expect some more updates later.
Alright, so today I was able to finish that first tutorial and gained some knowledge about how html and js work together, and how rust/wasm fits into that.