[Devember 2021] Social media boycott facilitator

No, it’s not for boycotting social media, which would be an admirable goal but that would require no software.

It is intended to publish the boycotting of people, organizations, and ideas using your linked social media accounts, and sharing that act of boycotting among your friends, and in turn automatically boycotting others for having boycotted the things you like, while submitting yourself to the same risk of being boycotted. Ultimately, it’s a very big database graph problem.

Any similarity to the current political zeitgeist is completely satirical^H^H^H coincidental.

This was something I started to write in 2018, but got bored of it, partially because I hate modern web development, but also partially because I needed a public-facing web server, and I did not want to learn the ins and outs of cloud computing. AWS hurts me inside.

Linode’s open source enthusiasm and two free months of hosting have convinced me to try again.

I’m using python, and will probably be using Flask and SQLAlchemy. Beyond that, I have no idea, since I haven’t written professional code to generate a web page since the year 2001.


Wasn’t this the plot of a Neal Stephenson book? :rofl:

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The Big U?

Otherwise I think you have me confused with Mark Zuckerberg.

I forget what book it was, but there was a character in one of his books who “destroyed the Internet” by doing something similar.

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This sounds like just the sort of project my database solution
is intended to help with.

Were you considering how to collect the data?

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Interesting, somehow this does remind me of ggautoblocker which was one of the emergence points of Google’s Jigsaw’s Project Shield. Jigsaw (@Jigsaw): "Fighting online abuse w/ @FeministaJones @TheQuinnspiracy @roseveleth @randileeharper @jamiaw @CCRInitiative @femfreq " | nitter.
Jigsaw’s products are very good btw.
Enough with the nonsense

I have a question here,

How much automation and meta-data should be used?

   * Too much and they can cause:
           * False positives
           * Abuse by malicious actors(People who play the algorithms) 
           * Echo chambers
           * Etc...

Therefore, I recommend that the project should be around smaller trust-groups rather than large public cancellation lists.

Or maybe well defined, and easy to audit small lists. That can be easily toggled.