[Devember 2020] A solution to managing recipes

I’m a new forum user (long time lurker).

My Devember project is to develop an solution to file away my recipe collection in such a way that it is: searchable, taggable, iterate-able with history. It should depend on open source and ideally free / low cost services. A moon-shot goal would be a way to automatically OCR images to load files to the recipe registry.

As a starting point, I’m looking to learn new static site generators, various website features, and dabbling in some OCR.

I’ll post my milestones soon :slight_smile:


Some high level tasks:

  • research / choose a method for the service (static site generators?)
  • choose hosting options for service
  • understand laws / regulation around recipes (eg: where recipe is adapted from another source)
  • prototype service for recipes
  • deploy prototype service
  • implement tagging
  • implement search
  • decide if to proceed
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A summary of where I am so far:

  • Decided on Hugo. Reason: new to me, fast, shortcode feature looks neat.
  • Decided on github pages.
  • Researched laws / regulation: tl;dr - a list of ingredients cannot be copyrighted. The instructions are. The instructions are considered literary expression.
  • setup dev env using WSL and VSCode
  • prototyped hugo website locally
  • deployed website to github: https://dharmeshgordhan.github.io/recipelibrary/
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Nice to see that you’re taking seriously laws and regulations. :smiley:

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As a note: I probably can’t OCR recipes I find, unless they are my own written ones. I need to rewrite the instructions myself for all recipes. Which isn’t the worst - as then they are ‘curated’.

Updates: I’ve added some recipes. I looked at adding search, got most of the way there… then the theme author implemented it. I’ve tested that, but there’s no obvs way to edit the search params (its using fuse.js) so looking into that.

Raised a github issue - and the core contributor made a change - made my life easy.

Search is now live.
Next step: going to work on a GitHub workflow to release automatically when someone merges to master.

Unsure if there’s a valid use case for OCR outside of lists of ingredients. So might park that in favor of other features.

Hi, this is a very interesting way to store, search and tag recipes. Good work !

Two suggestions:

  1. I have heard and seen some restaurants allowing guests to take note of their recipes from menu or from the Chefs themselves. Not many are used to or wish to be voice or video recorded. So, old style pen and paper is the way to go. You can use your OCR for such use cases.

This is a long shot and probably for future development: you could look into AI text generation models to form sentences specific to recipes, that too keywords from ingredients. For example, onions are usually diced into large pieces for stocks, whereas onions are used in small diced form for Shakshuka and so on.

OpenAI has a text generation model, though in research stage: https://github.com/openai/gpt-2

There are some tasty recipes in your website, time for me to try a few during holidays !

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Ah yeah - that would be interesting :open_mouth:

Will look into it :slight_smile: !

Haven’t done much the last week as we just adopted a kitten - she’s been a little distracting.


adopted a kitten

Entirely understandable. Kittens are a wonderful hand full.