Developing from the browser

I've been using my development environment from a docker container for a while now (if someone's curious, you can find that here), and today I made it so that I can develop from the browser using a program called ttyd.

Just felt like sharing this.

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This is pretty cool, gonna keep this bookmarked so I have something to do when finals are over. Really wish Java was less of a pain when used from within a terminal workflow. Not to mention having to switch over to Windows for the .NET stuff.

Pretty sure there are good plugins for Java and VIM. I remember reading about a plugin called Eclim, which runs Eclipse in the background for code completion/search/etc. I'd be surprised if there wasn't something similar to Scala's Ensime or Rust's Racer project which allows implementing code completion/searching for any editor trivially.

ps. This one seems to be using deoplete so its probably really good:

Yeah, I'd have to look into that some more. I just use NeoVIM for all the web and scripting stuff really. Right now I just use IntelliJ with the VIM plugin because I didn't find a way to make it work back then. Do you have any plugins that handle indexing and code completion for the languages with better support?

edit: oh, just saw your edit, yeah I've tried deoplete before. I don't think they had Java support back when I tried it though. coolbeans

It depends on what you're looking for. For example, from what I've read the C++ completion of YouCompleteMe is far superior to Deoplete's.

I'm also using YouCompleteMe's identifier-based completion for Javascript since last time I tried TernJS the performance wasn't good enough. YMMV though - the codebase I'm working on is massive and Tern was probably not designed with this kind of stuff in mind. I'm sure Deoplete + TernJS would work fine for side projects or assignments at school.

For Scala, I'd use the Ensime completion engine. For Rust it's Racer. And for Python the go-to is Jedi as far as I know.

Btw, might want to look into ctags. You can use that for completions too, although I mainly use it for jumping files to a function's definition (etc, etc).

Yeah, mostly Python and JavaScript right now. I don't really do enough of C++ and C to justify getting a workflow going. I'm taking a look at Rust though, but I'm not sure whether I'll be using the language often given the more lower level nature. Thanks for the suggestions, I definitely have to spend some more time looking more of this stuff up, looks cool.