Developer sounds off on DRM and its USELESSNESS

In this blog post Super Meat Boy developer, Tommy Refenes, discusses how recent trends in DRM are not the answer to piracy.  It is an interesting and quick article.  Thank's to HardOCP and Blade-Runner for the link.

What do you guys think of his views?  I'm sure alot of you would agree with his sentiments, but does anyone have objections?


Everyone knows that DRM's useless and it does more damage than good. Hasn't been a DRM that wasn't bypassed eventually (Starforce 3 held the record of 400+ days) and the ones using a pirated copy enjoy the game whilsit the ones who have to put up with the DRM, lose their shit.

I doubt you'll find any objections here.

As you mentioned, there have been some standouts like Starforce 3, but how long does it usually take for cracked games to hit the torrent sites after release? Like a day?

DRM isn't the way to go. I'm happy to fork out for a product I appreciate, even more so for a company that I feel gives a damn about what I want. That's why I have paid for every BioWare title that has hit the shelves for years - they make the kind of thing I am interested in and I would love to see them keep doing it and be rewarded for it.

Slightly unrelated, but what really gets under my skin is when the publishers meddle in the work of the developers and force them to make things I DO NOT want to pay for - dumbing down deep games so that they reach a 'wider market'. Oh and in game micro-transactions and on-disc DLC can GERRT EERRRT.