Deus Ex Invisible War screen resolution problem

Ok, so I just installed Deus Ex Invisible War on my laptop, and the native resolution of the laptop is 1440x900, but in the Deus Ex settings I can only adjust it to 1024x768, does anyone know why this could be? (in Deus Ex 1 I can set it to 1440x900 easily).

Well usually with older games you cant increase resolution

But there is a trick you can try, worked with bf2 were it capped me off at the same resolution.

right click your shortcut and add this at the end of your target "+menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +szx 1400 +szy 900"

note this most likely won't work and if it does it will only stretch your screenÂ

you can also try this as well

this a highres texture pack which may or may not increase res, but will make your game look better

I don't think that worked, but thanks for trying anyway

  • I already had the highres texture packs, didn't seem to effect the resolution :s

This game was always "jittery" for me for some reason. It just didn't play smoothly.

Yeah, I've played about 5 mins (just to test it's working) and it does seem a little jittery.

love that game!!!

Try this

Thanks Onizucca - I'll give it a try now and report back.

That worked like a treat, thanking you Onizucca heart

I have lots of games (and anime :P) installed and ready to be played on my laptop now (I'm going into a deadzone for 2 weeks on 26th Oh noes!).

No problem, clad I could help.

So I've played it for about an hour, seems pretty good, there's only one flaw so far, and it's pretty major - there's thousands of load screens, becomes annoying, as well as the Vista-like UAC "Are you sure you want to go to x?".