So Destiny has announced DLC for PlayStation only and this DLC will remain exclusive for at least a year.
I know we don't talk about consoles much but this is more the politics. I personally find this hilarious and it just goes to show how fucked up the console market is and gives even more incentive to move to PC. (Unless you really like Destiny) but whats stopping them from doing this with other games? Yeah PC has some flaws but this is just ridiculous. Also with Ubisofts "30 FPS is cinematic!".
Have fun console gamers!
Unfortunately those games that we make fun of the resolution and framerates gets forced onto the PC crowd and most of the time the ability to change the graphics settings is either locked, heavily restricted, or even non-existent.. Its unfortunate but we just have to wait for a few great people in the PC community to work on these crappy console ports so we can play comfortably.
At least we have the flexibility of a PC. The consoles keep running into problems because of their hardware, and the devs are too butthurt to admit it. This is why they have to keep justifying their games running at 900p 30fps.
Also, MOST pc games have the ability to tweak settings to increase performance, as long as the engine works well (I'm looking at you Watch_Dogs). After FarCry 4 I am done with Ubisoft.
Yes it's a bit ridiculous how far they are taking the Playstation favoring with this game. The vast majority of the PS4 Destiny community I interact with seems to agree it is bullshit as well. The very nature of consoles is to blame for this kind of thing happening. When the market is ruled by two major competitors it is inevitable.