Despite not including any onboard audio; audio producers generally use much higher grade audio equipment anyway

i am bit stumped by statement “despite not including any onboard audio” (1). does it mean some motherboards does not provide audio. i cannot play audio?

how do i determine or know whether audio is missing? is there any cheat sheet or wiki about motherboards in simple english. for example, “Firefox Sync is not an online backup tool but is designed to enable you to sync browsing data between two or more Firefox installations.”(2)

(1) ASRock Rack EPYCD8-2T Conclusion - The ASRock Rack EPYCD8-2T Motherboard Review: From Naples to Rome
(2) How to set up Firefox Sync in Firefox for Android | Mozilla Support
(3) ASRock Rack > ROMED8-2T

This simply means the motherboard doesn’t have a chip on it to generate an analogue audio signal from a digital file and send it to a port on the back (or front) of the system. The chip, usually by asmedia, is a simple DAC and is usually installed on all consumer and producer grade motherboards.

However the motherboards you have listed are server motherboards, designed for enterprise activity that usually doesn’t need sound.

The article you refer to is stating that professional audio engineers will use this server grade hardware because it is more reliable and has more capability (or better for video processing / rendering) and then to get audio out will use a separate card or device to generate audio from the digital data.

The typical options for this are a dedicated sound card or a usb connected audio deck.

The main benefit to this is that the chips on these dedicated devices are not physically limited to a tiny square on the motherboard so can have more isolation and features. However they cost more.

Look at a photo of the back panel. If it doesn’t have audio jacks then the motherboard doesn’t have audio.,5682.html&ved=2ahUKEwiqkI7t79TuAhVTVBUIHQUhDxwQFjAAegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw0KsIro_s4AgiKvek7K9nam&ampcf=1

Best one I could find with a 1 minute search. Probably easier to just ask specific questions on a forum like this though…

If you are new to computers and looking to build your system for personal or prosumer use, do not buy an epyc server system. These are not easy to use systems and are meant for professionals. things like ram compatibility will be non-trivial.

I take it you are looking for a system for high end audio or video production? If so consider a threadripper system as your top end as it will have pretty much everything you will need.

If I’ve misunderstood your question let me know.

Good luck.


The example involving Firefox is lost on me. Can you give another example? AFAIK, Firefox sync should not involve audio and yet you gave it as an example.

You may need to clarify on a lot more thing as your original post doesnt seem to be coherent.

@Airstripone overall educative, excellent.

The typical options for this are a dedicated sound card or a usb connected audio deck.

this is good, probably if i want to install qubes os. anyway, i might not use frequently.

If you are new to computers and looking to build your system for personal or prosumer use, do not buy an epyc server system. These are not easy to use systems and are meant for professionals. things like ram compatibility will be non-trivial.

i want to self-host files, bookmarks, etc. (future: email, website) and as router.

@regulareel please excuse it is not well written

You may need to clarify on a lot more thing as your original post doesnt seem to be coherent.

indeed, yes, i will open seperate queries after i understood thoroughly about above given motherboard. Airstripone has resolved my query.

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