Desperate Need of Help

Alright guys, I may have fucked up a bit, and need your help/advice. Today I bought the Dlink Dir-625 router (and modem, I think/hope) because my other modem barely works. I bought the DLINK because it showes a port saying "Broadband Modem" and what I thought that meant was that this DLINK is a router and modem. When I look at my phone line cord, it has 4 pins/wires while the broadband port thingy on the DLINK has 8. Do I need some sort of adapter to make this work, or did I fuck up and buy the wrong thing? Is this DLINk just a router or is it a router AND a modem? Please help. I'm horrible with networking stuff .-.

That is a router - not a modem.

the port marked broadband modem is for line in from your modem

Fuck. I was hoping I didn't mess up. I have a chance of returning it, but should I? I paid $8 for it at Value Village, and it seems to be working because I'm on the default gateway website thingy. Is it worth returning? 

The router also didn't come with any antenna (value village) and I have no clue how much they would cost. But is it worth returning for $8, or should I keep it, buy antenna and hope the router works fine? 

If you can, see if your ISP will provide a modem. Mine does (mediacom) and all I have to maintain is the router

If you can, see if your ISP will provide a modem. Mine does (mediacom) and all I have to maintain is the router

If you can find it's bigger brother the D-Link 655 is wifi N300 with 4XGb ports ... paid $6 at the Goodwill for  mine.

Or if you do not want to give your ISP $10 every month you can buy this one ... along with the router I mention elsewhere .... they support it ... plus you can flash it with DD-WRT if you want  ... cause you own it.  :)


The only reason I stopped using my own cable modem is because whenever something would happen with my internet, rather than just try to fix it, my ISP would always waste time saying "Must be your modem" since it wasn't maintained by them. This way theyre on the hook to make sure it works :P

Alright I can try that, but they'll probably make me rent a router from them (not worth it) or tell me to buy my own and that they won't help if anything goes sour. My ISP is Bell (Canada).

Wasnt really looking to spend $70+ on a modem, unfortunately. But thanks for trying to help! :)

If your ISP has those combination modem/router boxes, see if you can put it in bridge mode. I have a friend who does that and it just basically turns off the NAT in the router and makes it into just a cable modem.