(Sorry for the mobile link but I'm on my phone right now) I'm looking for a monitor to use with that computer that is around 1600x900. I don't care for built in speakers as I'll just plug some of mine in to the thing. 18 to 20" is all I want. Obviously I just want something that will look good doing light gaming with no dead pixels and crap. Finally, my budget is $100 to $130. Thanks and sorry for the loads of threads different help, going from a mediocre pc to a gaming computer is a feat that requires help.
Here's a 21.5" for about $110.00, it's at 1920x1080 but you can always set the resolution to 1600x900 and you will have access to 1080p if you go that route in the future. If you get a native 1600x900 you'll be spending about the same amount unless you get something used. So it's kinda future proof(ish) for what you will need it to do.
YUP , get that, then connect it via dvi, and try to overclock the refresh rate to about 75hz via nvidia control panel and you will have a pretty kick ass setup for around 1k