Desk/Headphone Amps/DACs For Various Budgets

So we've heard from Logan & Crew about a number of Amps/DACs -- what about less expensive ones?

I'd like to know what products Tek would recommend for Amps/DACs at various price levels.

Say, <$100, $100-$150, $150-$200.

Well I just bought this one:

I've got a audio geek buddy that says he really likes their products, I don't personally have any experience with them but general consensus on the internet seems to be that it's a great value.

Thanks, man. I was really hoping for feedback from everyone, not just Tek crew. ;)

Honestly didn't even realize it was posted in inbox ... Would you like me remove post?

I was not being sarcastic, actually. I do appreciate the post, and it gives me a starting point to look at. All's good.

I just ordered it yesterday, will arrive next week sometime. I can follow up here and let you know what I think about it once I get it hooked up and toy around with it.

I wont be able to comment on the software that comes from the website though, seems they haven't updated it for Win10 yet.

Good, I'd love to hear about it. The only thing close to it I've been looking at is the Monoprice one:

One of the guys that reviewed that on amazon wrote that its a Fiio rebrand, with identical trademark materials and build quality. Which from what I gather is a good thing because Fiio is pretty well regarded.

It would probably be a good buy.

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I just broke out the E10K today ... So far I'm more than happy with it's performance for the price I paid. It basically doubled the sound ouput of both of my pairs of headphones. There's no Win10 version of the software, but it was plug, play, profit as far as the actual hardware went.

I can crank my system volume, turn the knob to max on the DAC, use high gain switch and bass boost without any noticeable hissing or sound distortion.

10/10 would buy again.

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