i have a question about the backplane on my per710 i have the 1x6 3.5 dbays and im putting in a h700 sas controller so i can run ssds in it but i read your backplane needs to be sas2 but i cant find a sas2 backplane with 1x6 3.5 Dbay
mind you all im still green when it comes to servers so this is why i bought the per710 so i mess up i wont cry lol
Am I understanding you correctly that you bought a Dell r710 chassis without a backplane?
no i bought with a backplane but it doesnt support ssds that i know of i ve asked around people said i need a sas2 backplane and a h700 sas controller , now i have found the 1x8 2.5 backplane that supports ssds but i cant use this backplane cause i have the 1x6 3.5 bay per710
(per710 )= poweredge r710
I’m afraid I won’t be of much help then. From the Dell R710 manual:
The following additional guidelines apply for hard-drive configurations:
• For SAS/SATA mixing:
o Two SAS and up to six SATA drives are allowed
o Two SAS drives must be installed in slots 0 and 1
• One mixed 2.5” and 3.5” hard drive configuration is allowed:
o Two 2.5” 10,000 rpm SAS drives installed with an adapter in a 3.5” hard-drive carrier in drive slots 0 and 1
o The remaining hard drives must be 3.5” hard drives and must be either all SAS or all SATA
• SSDs require the PERC 6/i or PERC H700 integrated storage controller card and cannot be mixed with any other type of hard drive
• Limited SSD and SAS mixing is supported
I know the Dell manuals sometimes say things won’t work when they do, but I don’t have your specific model to test.
Best of luck.
Do you need more than 6 SSD? If not, just buy some adapters:
No reason to think SSDs won’t work.
I am trying to make since of your post.
So the R710 comes with a number of cards
- PERC H200
- PERC H700
- PERC 6/i
- SAS 6/iR
Depend on how the R710 was configured you will need a M246M 0M246M SAS-A SAS-B SATA Cable to connect the H700 to the backplane.
there are only two backplanes for the R710 that i am aware of one is for the 6 x 3.5 and the other for the 8 x 2.5 versions.
Since the H700 is SAS2 and the SAS6/iR 1, I do believe its compatible with SAS2.
My R710’s never complained having H310’s or H200’s and the drives run at SAS2
thank you that really all i needed to know i was told wrong about the backplane then i was told for my server to work with ssd i needed some sas2 backplane and the h700 or h200 i have the h700 and right cords for it already but i was confused on the sas2 backplane so now that i see that their isnt just a thing as a sas2 backplane i can go ahead and use my ssd after a bios update its my first server so im still learning about them , one question on a different subject i want to add a disk shelf and connect it with my r710 threw 10gb if i just get a fiber pci card will i be able to communicate with my disk shelf that way and i have a Quadro p2200 plugged in as well will that affect it ?
FYI your H700 might be limit your ssd IO’s, see the art of server
You have 2PCIe x8 + 2 PCIe x4 G2, + your storage slot. unless for some reason yours came with the x16 risers.
so you need 1 x16 for the p2200, 1 x8 for the 10g card and 1 x8 for the external HBA/Raid card.
your going to have to cut out the back side of the slots and decide what card is getting the x4 slot.
What are you trying to build and the OS and maybe we can point you in the right direction.
Right know i have a R720XD and MD1200 shelf for my NAS ,40g networking, one R710 for VMs, and one R220 for PFsence. I am no expert on this stuff but i have learned a fair bit over the last few years
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