
This is just an old post, which was dumb and I'm totally behind it.


To be blunt, sounds like you need to leave that.

  1. Bail.
  2. Stop punching things.

I guarantee once you break contact and get a little time away you'll look back and say "Holy shit, that Braysive dude was fucking right. I should buy him a drink at LAN Syndicate."


It's gonna suck but you have to really have to try and look objectively at it. If you aren't happy with the ways things are going then it might be time to cut the line. A relationship will have its ups and downs, but when it becomes physical you have to know its not worth it.

You'll have free drink waiting for you at LanSyndicate, cheers.


i gotta agree with this guy, as much as you probably dont want to hear it, i think you will be alot happier without someone like that.

or at least consider a break from her to let things cool off and give both of you time to think about how much you really love each other and what its like without one another

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Yeah, I think you're right. It's not healthy to stay in it. I just get very sad when I think about our past and all the time we've spent together. That will pass, though.

Thank you all for being honest and understanding about this thread. :)

The hardest thing to do in ANY relationship is to view the facts as they are now, independantly from any memories you may have. As in how is she as a person RIGHT NOW without taking any consideration for how she WAS BEFORE.

From what you have said

      Bail.Stop punching things.

I guarantee once you break contact and get a little time away you'll
look back and say "Holy shit, that Braysive dude was fucking right. I
should buy him a drink at LAN Syndicate."

I guarantee once you break contact and get a little time away you'll
look back and say "Holy shit, that Braysive dude was fucking right. I
should buy him a drink at LAN Syndicate."

is the best advice you are going to get (including buying him a drink)

The longer you leave it the harder it will be.

I speak from experience - its going to suck but it will be worth it. Be very thankful you dont have kids.


If you can't talk about stuff with her get out dude.

Edit: communication is the foundation of every relationship. She sounds super immature. I've been with my wife for almost 10 years. You had better be okay with the the things your significant other does and how they treat you because it doesn't ever change. People don't have an epiphany one day and go "oh no I realize I've been treating you bad all along"

Double edit: the cynic in me also wants to say you're not the only one she's getting dick from. This is completely cynical though.

I didn't want to give you an essay on how I understand your situation and how I've been there before, but I will. There's a tl;dr towards the bottom.

You need to leave that relationship. I understand that you love here, but there comes a time in many relationships where there is no room for growth. Some relationships end with marriage and others end with a breakup(not sure on if there is a third option). In your relationship, in the way you described it, you have enough red flags to warrant your departure from this relationship.

  1. Her friends do no respect you.

  2. She does not respect you.

If she allows her friends to disrespect you and hurt your feelings, that is a problem. Regardless of whether you are a hulking macho man, or a sensitive butterfly, the woman in your life must care about your feelings (and vice verse). If she allows people to run you over, she is showing a lack of care for your feelings, and is only enabling this disrespect.

  1. She is playing with you and doesn't regard your relationship as real/worth-it.

If she thinks joking about being pregnant by others is ok to be shared by her friends to you, then she doesn't really care about the sanctity of your relationship. Jokes about being a slut are not productive in an already struggling relationship. If she is not helping she is hurting. (sorry but not sorry)

  1. You are going down a self-destructive road which you are responsible for. (sorry but I learned this through experience)

You are holding together a relationship, the only problem is that you are the only one doing so. If she shows blatant dis-respect and you just take it, you can only do so much before exploding (punching a wall) or worse (something really bad). Things will only get worse and you do not want to do something that, you in your right mind, do not want to do.

So where to go from here.


You need to realize that you deserve better, and no matter how many years you've put into this, or any relationship, you shouldn't hold on to the quantity(years in relationship), but hold on to the quality of the relationship. There comes a time in every relationship, when one must take the next step (marriage, breakup, something else). You need to take some time and think about what will be best for you.


I like a lot of the responses that other people have given you here, especially on the subject of respect.

Everyone deserves a degree of respect, and there are certain lines of social appropriateness that shouldn't be crossed. In what you explained, it sounds like her friends certainly crossed some of those lines, and, furthermore, I would definitely agree with you in saying that she has (and/or is) abusing you.

If she is open to having an open and honest discussion about these events and your feelings about them, by all means do so. Make it known to her that you would like to have a sit-down chat and discuss your relationship, and try to work out a way for more open communication - because her name-calling, and you wall-punching, is not good for anyone.

Before, during, and after that, I would make a sort of mental tally, and make sure that what you love is actually her, rather than just an idea of her. Does that make sense? From our perspective, it is easy to see that this person is caustic, and we all know that we don't like that "trapped" feeling of turmoil - and some of us have been in the position of punching walls (or worse). It is hard for us to be able to empathize what memories and feeling you may have shared, and the what emotional bonds you have may developed over two years.

I guess I'll sum it up with some viking poetry:

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To drunk to respond with good advice at the moment... hopefully I will remember to respond with good advice in the morning this post is mostly to remind me to do so. someone to like or reply so i see tejhe notice in the AM .

Ps how old are you?ball park.

Get her the hell out of your life.....right now! Life is way to short to put up with any BS like that and believe me it's not that hard to find someone to love that won't be a nut job.

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Don't waste a good punch on a wall... we need more quality control. Use it on the dude... then get the fuck out of this mess. It will suck for a few months but you will be better off.


In the case of "I'm not married and I punch walls due to my girlfriend pissing me off".... .... .............. move on, sir... do you expect it to get better? Because no, sir, it does not... you keep hating people a little bit more every day until you get reprieve from them... then everything all the sudden gets forgotten until they do the same exact shift into a person you hate again...

People don't change on a grand scale... so don't expect them to... in Freud's model the id makes it impossible to do anything selfless... expecting anyone to change is chasing a unicorn... if you punch walls... GTFO...

@Logan says teksyndicate DOES condone violence, which may offer an interim reprieve of sadness... depending on whether you're over 18 and what country you're in... and potentially whether the person in question is a bitch enough to call the police about it... that's an option as well...

Good day, sir

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So you obviously dont trust her after 2 years and 6 months?
well okay, its not gonne work then most likely.
Trust is one of the most important things in a relationship.


Sounds like your girlfriend prefers the company of immature douchebags, rather than yours. Life is too short for that kind of bullshit. Move on and enjoy your life. I know life is not always fun, it has its ups and downs. But if you're suffering in a relationship, if it drives you nuts and eats you from the inside -> move on.

Also: Dude! Stop punching things! You need that hand for gaming.

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tek syndicate hugs


Just turned 25 in December.

Leave her.

But first, eat a whole bag of spicy nacho doritos and bean dip. Then wait till she falls asleep. And then let one rip right on her eye ball.