Dehydrator food

I got a dehydrator this last Christmas from my girlfriend and I wanted to know who dehydrates what. The main purpose for me is for backpacking/camping foods, but who has some good recipes for jerky, fruit leathers or whatever?

Bananas, for banana chips. Awesome, healthy, and good for energy.

I think fruits over all are going to be tasty. Like apple rings and banana chips. If you want to you could melt a little dark chocolate on the banana chips.


Psilocybin mushrooms

What you should try is to buy some pork skin, boil it for about an hour, then dehydrate it. Once completely dry, deepfry it and you'll get the most insane pork crackling (not necessarily a camping snack, but totally delicious).

I'll give that a try ahpadt. I've been doing bananas and apples so far. I've done a couple combinations of preservation methods for the banana and so far lime juice is the best (the vitamin c in acidic juices helps the banana to not go bad during dehydration).

One great use for a food dehydrator is to make your own dried spices.  Orageno, Sage, Thyme, ETC.... can save you lots of money in the long run if you cook with a lot of spices like I do.

Make some trail mix for camping and hiking trips.

humans, meat. Meat from humans ;3