So I want to work with computer hardware, maybe even as a designer of a technician but over a cs degree would engineering offer me anything, with the focus on electrical stuff.
I do prefer to play with hardware over software, so in I.t what would engineering offer me?
Many thanks
I presume you mean electrical/electronic engineering. These types of courses lead you through actually building both knowledge of and assembling circuits. Most courses teach stuff like Circuit design and analysis which is cool.
This however changes from institution to institution and you should really pay careful attention to what things the course at each location focuses on.
If you like to play with electronics in terms of actually building circuitry side of thing (not building computers) then you may enjoy that type of course. With enough knowledge building and pushing your knowledge in necessary directions you could get into microprocessor design. Word of warning: These types of course typically require that you are skilled in mathematics, although you will pick it up fast when it is applied to stuff you are interested in.
As with choosing any degree, do your research. Look at institutions handout books about their courses, go to open days, find people who are on or who have done the course already.
I like the idea of building circuits and my own hardware but I've never done it, and yes I mean electrical engineering