Defcon One Kickstarter (The maker is here)

I just found this concept case that is pretty cool and so I want to share with you guys. What do you guys think?

That is a really cool case. If the AMD Fury/390x (Or whatever they are calling this week) is really a short cube shape they would look killer in here.

if they come with its own closed water loop and radiator then this setup is bad. (but for traditional cards its awesome setup!)

Yes but I am thinking of custom loop cooling.

how would you fit pipes then?

unless drill ~

and also where would you mount fans and raditors

(from the looks psu will be located in upper back corner.)

Those are problems for future me who has 500 to drop on an mATX case for a dual GPU monster. C'mon I clearly have not thought this through that is about a €2000 PC. This is just window shopping.

Those GPUs are going to be choked to if they are air cooled, unless there is more room between the case and the GPUs. Not a fan of choked GPUs... they get rather noisy.

And with that much power and heat sitting around, the plastic will get warped.

The window is slitted for airflow, it's hard to tell in the image.

The Fury is supposedly going to have pipes coming out the back, not the top. it could work depending on how the motherboard tray is held in place.

So, this is a case specifically designed for AIO CPU cooler, SLI/CF airflow dual GPUs?

Uh... I hate to say it, but I think the makers may be shooting themselves in the foot. This is really, really quite limited.

Hello guys! I'm Nicola, the designer of the case :)

Here are the replies to your concerns/questions:

  • For the full water loop we'll have to run tests on the prototypes - it might be possible implement a 240mm radiator in single GPU config, but again, it's something we need to run test on to be sure and not advertise gimmicks.

  • The final price will likely be between 150 and 200 euros ; all is manufactured in Italy, that is why the price will be higher as compare to many cases

  • The plexi on the GPu side has cut-outs to allow the GPUs to always take in fresh air from outside - the hot air, for both the reference and custom GPUs comes out the front (where there are a speed breaker and exhaust grid) and the back like a regular case.

  • The thermal design does work best with an AiO cooler, but LP air coolers with a 120mm fan instead of the AiO should work just as well.

  • About the thermal design: the concept here is divide airflows and take as much thermal load "outside the case" as possible - if you don't have a big thermal load, you have no need for a big airflow inside the machine.

Feel free to ask anything you want about it and I'll do my best to reply :)
If you like the project don;t forget to share it and maybe contribute :)

Thanks for joining as, @nicolazanarini. Buon giorno, and welcome!

Buongiorno e grazie! :)

I know just enough to understand what you meant. :)

PSU is in the top, correct?

Yup, it is on the top - it was a "forced choice" in order to optimize space usage (the mark III has abit more free space than the previous versions, but this solution stayed all the same);
It can be rotated to face up or down, so it takes air in from outside or inside, as one wants it to. :)

Have you tested this design in regards to noise level -- is it louder than a more traditional chassis?

We've tested the markII version which was much smaller and did not have the window on the other side - noise levels were in line with normal noise levels as per regulations - with the fans up to 40% on a gtx760 AMP! and a Jetflow fan on a Seidon 120V, the noise level at 1m was around 28/31 db - of course with all the fans on at max it got louder, but that depends on fan choice.
The mark III is expected to be a good 3/4 bd quieter (or more) on idle and much quieter on full load, since the strcture is far more "closed" and noise dampened.
More data will be avaliable after the crowdfunding and prototypes :)

I have one last question: are you planning on including the necessary bridges with the product?

Indeed so - the appropriate length SLI cable (we're still looking for a good price crossfire one) and the PCI-E shielded extender, so people won't have to spend 80 more $ on an M3 one ;)

Fascinating. Niche or not, I love it when new ideas crop up in the hardware space.

Thank you!
Here's to hoping it doesn't stay too niche, lots of people see it and contribute so we can fund the prototypes :)