I decided that, you know what, I wanna go to defcon next year. If I have a job that isn’t a bunch of fuck I’ll be going. If I do I’ll go anyways. But I am curious: would anyone here want to go WITH me?
Or at least just go and attend.
If you aren’t familiar with DEFCON, its a hacker conference that talks about security, hardware vulnerabilities, software problems, things that can be fixed in our technology as well as in our people and not only from a business perspective but from just an every day view.
Damn, alright. You’re definitely taking the opposite perspective to what I thought you’d take. I’ll talk with the guys during the event, since I’m driving up tomorrow, see if they’re cool with it.
Thought process goes: if I’m going to overpay for sleeping, I might as well get something decent out of it. The other hotels are all disgusting. These aren’t terrible.
I’m also a person who doesn’t allude to politics unless its the topic. If its not the topic I’m not even thinking about it I have too much other shit to do.
So probably the whole time we’re there and in the hotel you’ll just think I’m insane making absurd jokes about everything I can think of when I am looking at how gaudy and shittily made everything is.