I know hacking probably isn't the put this in but, i was just wondering if accessing the deep web is illegal or if i can get in any trouble with the law for just poking around in it.
Most of the deep web is old websites with broken links. And in the US simply looking at stuff isn't a crime, except for one thing. It may get you on a watch list if you go to something shady.
thanks :) i just wanted to make sure before i get myself into something sketchy
Protect yourself with a VPN https and the whatnot before hand I would be worried about the site owner more than the government.
It looks like VPNs are not secure.
You should use TAILS on a ROM (burned to a read only DVD disc) at a public wifi hotspot. When you start the Tor browser, change NoScript to block scripts globally. It's disabled by default, and that's a security risk.
VPN´s are never safe basicly.
Fully safe anonymous on the internet is simply not possible.
move along people, nothing to see here.
So I guess the private internet access account I just made is bad now?
its better than nothing. it wont stop someone who really wants to find you from finding you, but it will make it harder for them to pinpoint you. it can also prevent your isp from throttling streaming services like youtube and netflix
That's good, I like my privacy. Thanks for the information