my question is should i get a dedicated physx card, not now but when i build my new pc when ever that may be. price isnt an issue really since im willing to spend 150-200 bucks on a dedicated card if theres a benefit. so lets hypothetically i have two 980s, would it be beneficial to get something like a 750 ti or better yet the 960 when it comes out and have it be the dedicated card for physx. another question i have, and this maybe stupid, can i run amd cards for my rendering of the game and an nvidia card for the physx.
Not worth it. Unless you have a card of equal teir performing dedicated physX there is a serious bottleneck. And the money you just spent on a physX card would better be put in an SLI config that would make it yeild more performance.
This video is still relevant today but the results are even more pronounced.
Also might want to watch out for this:
tek syndicates in forum videos are still wonky so i cant see it, but im assuming its that one linustechtips video, right? well they used an extremely old card but this is a new and actually pretty powerful card so how could it bottleneck it.
I can see it just fine- using chrome- are you on mobile or something else?
If you take second of the exact same card and make it dedicated to physX so the main card doesn't have to do it. You get an increase in fps because the dedicated card is not bottlenecking and the main card is relieved of its physX work. However your increase in fps through this method is lower than if you were to run the cards in SLI and let them to physX on their own. That's the problem. It's not cost effective.
AND there are very little games that actually use physX, so unless you play only those... A dedicated card makes even less sense.
im in chrome too, still cant see the video. i know its not cost effective and that two sli cards is better, but i was already planning on going sli and then adding a physx card. i do play a lot of planetside so thats one of the reasons i want a physx card, and the new batman game has it too and im just hoping we get more physx games. i love physx, i just wish we saw more of it both in terms in the amount of games supporting it and just how much physx they implement into the game it self.
Really nVidia....
most of these games add very little if anything of substance to the game. I think borderlands 2 was the game that added the most noticeable physx stuff out of all of those games to have come out.
Buying a physx card for just that game is just plain stupid.
I know linus did a joke unboxing of a PCI physx card about a month ago. he brought up a good point that physx should have been an industry standard by now and that we are all still waiting for a game to come out where physx is an integral part of the experience. Just image battlefield bad company 2 with hardware physx. now be sad because this will never happen because this tech is tied to a single brand of card. Physx died when nvidia bought Ageia.
I believe the latest drivers can disable your Nvidia card if you have an AMD card installed. Making it unable to run PhysX
Yup- technoob linked an article about this if you want to read more.
I thought I could be happy with a 780 and my old 460 running PhysX, but in reality the 460 is just too slow to keep up. I actually noticed a decrease in performance with the 460 running. Fortunately this motivated me to get a second 780 before the prices hiked up again. Since 4-way sli doesn't scale very well I'm curious if 3-way with a fourth card running PhysX may actually be useful.
I mean don't get me wrong, I LOVE PhysX effects. I go out of my way to play games that have it because I think it's a really cool effect, but sadly it's true; until this kind of thing becomes a standard feature across both platforms we will not see games using it in a meaningful way.
As a side note: Dual 980's? And you're worried about PhysX horsepower? HAH!
Last time I check nvidia cards already do physx. I wouldn't even have another card in there to do physx even if I had dual 650TIs. Unless ur running triple monitor or 4K, I wouldn't waste electricity on it, unless you like running 3dmark for high score.
Nvidia acquired aegia a long while back and since then have supported the technology on every chip succeeding it. (at least i think every chip supports it, there may be exceptions)