Deciding On My First Headphones - Sennheiser HD439/HD449?

I'm out to buy some Headphones for gaming and media listening. I've found these two headphones which arealmost the same apart from the 439's having a detachable cables, lower frequency response and some other minor details.

My headphone preference is to have clear, pretty flat sound for my games and music etc. and they need to be comfy, cool and around my ears. A bit particular I know, but I am open to change. (I'm a first time headphone buyer as ive always used in-ear)

I'm not sure which to buy as they both have their merits so my question to the forum would be which is would be better for me and are there any better headphones for a similar price range? (£100 ish or lower)



How cheaply can you get HD 518's?

I can not recommend the hd558s enough for the price, and they fit your description perfectly as far what you are looking for.  

They are slightly higher than your listed budget, but can be had on sale for almost exactly what your budget is.  

I can get the HD518s for £93 which isnt too high, do you reccomend these then?

The HD558s are about £130 for me but if a deal comes up, I might get them, thanks.

The 518's are almost identical to the 558's and most say they have more bass. The 518 is the better value.

Thanks Mayflower. I think I'll go buy them now