It looks like the 4th gen processor is better than the 5th gen one, especially the integrated graphics (if i want to do low power gaming) so I’m thinking of getting the one with the 4th gen processor but i’d like a second opinion
Umm, those are not similar laptops... one is 17" one is 15", they have completely different processors and completely different OSes. "Low power gaming" is a whole bunch of dumb talk, gaming on the 4600, and by extension the 5600 is utter cancer. It is not meant to be a gaming chip, and struggles to play basically everything. Along with that just having numbers like clock speed and whatever being higher does not mean it is a better chip... perhaps you should look up real world tests...? Do those tests matter? No, not really, because all the integrated is really for is media, browsing and extremely light gaming (Minecraft, 2D stuff, etc.)
For the same price, if you don't care about the size, go for the one with the newest processor. But, looking at the Intel ARK, there's basically no difference between those two CPUs, other than the integrated graphic (marginal difference). The TDP is the same so they will keep the same temperature overall and consume the same amout of energy (I know TDP is not related to actual power consumption). Maybe the newest CPU support the new chipset driver that makes the CPU ramp frequencies faster than with previous series of processors, but I'm not sure, look into it on PC Perspective site.
If you want portability go with the 276, and if you don't go with the 264. Otherwise the 276's processor is a little faster, very little, but it's still an improvement.