Decide on my new AM3+ Motherboard

I need something that will house my FX 8350, and support crossfire. And maybe support for FX 9000 CPU's to maybe upgrade in the future, because I can, and reasons. However, I don't feel like spending 200$ only if a 140$ board will be just fine.

I want to place the order tonight and pick up at newegg tomorrow morning (they are 4 miles down my street).

Help me decide please.... Two boards that I am considering are these

The Asus has a 6+2 power phase, and the Gigabyte has a 8+2, if I'm correct? Does this matter?

Oh, and I want to overclock into the next universe. Just kidding, only considering a moderate overclock on my push pull h60.

Let the recommendations commence.




CrossHair V Extreme (a.k.a Formula-Z) is the best that money can buy.

I would go with the gigabyte board.

The UD series have a great reputation.

I personally have the ASUS board and an 8320 which I can OC out to 4.7ghz on a 212 EVO with 1.4v . Love the board, it's been excellent to work with. The Asus board has 2 extra USB 2 connectors, an Extra SATA port and and extra fan connector which is great because my system has 5 fans and with the GIGABYTE I'd have to pick one to leave not plugged in or use a molex adapter and lose control over it.


So my pick from personal experience would be the ASUS

I've currently got an ASUS M5A99FX Pro R2.0 and I personally think that it is the best bang for buck 990FX chipset motherboard on the market. You don't really have to worry too much about the 6+2 or 8+2 power phases, unless of course you're going to be running very high levels of vcore (like 1.4v to 1.5v), then having the extra power phases will help keep the board a bit cooler. My advice to you is to just get the cheapest of the two boards. I distrust Gigabyte boards a bit, because I had a really shitty VIA KT400 chipset Gigabyte board back in the day, but from what I hear they make quality boards nowadays.

Asus no brainer. 

Wenn you buy the gigabyte board, you need to be lucky that you get the Revision 4.0 of this board, if you get an older in stocked one from Newegg, Then you get previous revisions of that particular gigabyte board, and those are realy a piece of JUNK!

Since newegg does not advertise about which revision the particular board is..

I´m personaly totaly not a fan of gigabyte AM3+ boards, they just caused me too much headaces. They are cheap for a reason you know..

  1. Asus crosshair V Formula Z    8+2 powerphase digi vrm
  2. Asrock 990FX Extreme 9       12+2 powerphase digi vrm
  3. Asrock 990FX fatal1ty pro     12+2 powerphase digi vrm
  4. Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0  8+2 powerphase digi vrm
  5. Asrock 990FX Fatal1ty killer    8+2 powerphase digi vrm
  6. Asus M5A99FX Pro R2.0         6+2 powerphase digi vrm

A list of board, that i personaly recommend for AM3+.

+3 For 1-3 on this socket. My preferences for Fm2+ are ASrock, MSI, and Asus.

The fatal1ty board looks AMAZING,but god damn you can't beat the sabertooth,5years warranty,damn.

Statements without proofs lol ☺

I have the Gigabyte 990-FXA UD3 rev 4 (the same one on newegg) And I have my 8350 at 4.8GHz with no issues. 

Also It has a 8+2phase digi vrm

Also, they do advertise the revision. 


Rev 4 (Notice the large VRMS)


Rev 3 and below (notice small vrms) 



Now look at Newegg's pictures. They are selling the rev 4 And the rev 4 came out LAST March. So The rev 3 is extinct. 

Pushed my 8320 to 4.8 on the XA-UD3,didn't even sweat :D But my cooler can handle it so I dialed it to 4.5 then 4.4 stock voltage. It handles the cpu so damn well

Still i personaly never gonne buy a gigabyte board, cause i just dont trust them. To much headaces in the past. So for me no gigabyte  never ever ☺

For me personaly AM3+ Asus or the highend Asrock boards.

I think the physical quality of newer gigabyte stuff is good, but there AM3+ bio's pale in comparison to others like Asus or AsRock.  

Thanks guys, I went with the Asus M5A99FX. I have always went with Asus, and they never let me down. Plus, Pistol has it, so it must be good lol. 

Time for a 850psu to crossfire my 7870 and keep my other components running 100%. Any suggestions? I usually go with corsair.

Any of these should do;


They are all made from good quality and are all pretty reliable

As for ASRock 990FX Killer, I have it. Problem with it is that in bios there is limited overclocking functionality (but you can use ASRock's F-Stream software for more overclocking features) and with windows 8.1 there is Killer E2200 memory leak problem, but that is not so hard fix via regeditor.. Overall board looks awesome, but expected more from it. 

E2200 killer issue in windows 8.x is a driver issue. you can download a better driver that fixes these issues, on the site from killer (qualcomm), it self.

Asus M5A99FX pro R2.0 is a decent choice.

About a psu, i would look at.

  1. corsair HX850 / RM850
  2. coolermaster V850
  3. XFX 850W pro.