Well...mildly awkward.
EDIT: feel free to ignore the following....it makes no difference
My family is forcing me to ask for one "awesome" thing for christmas (rather a few smaller things....or even nothing at all) So I decided to ask for a monitor.
Now, I'm no artist. I draw....a lot, I'm getting into digital illustration and I need a monitor that is good with color and darks (my 7 year old early IPS dithers to hell)
While at the same time, I'm in college for 3D animation, So I can't have too much weird streaking...I've seen some monitors do some really abnormal things when displaying in 3dsmax (like mine atm)
I have no preference in aspect ratio. My monitor right now is 16:10 1920x1200. so I'm comfortable with that. but 16:10 is okay too.
So my preferences are:
- IPS (I move a lot, TN panels also generally have hit/miss colors)
- 16:10 (I really like the taller shape....but I uderstand that there are limits in the price range)
- 1080p + (Yeah, changes based on aspect ratio....just sort of baseline)
- matte (gloss won't kill me)
- visa mount...not required...I have a heavy aluminum desk stand with my current monitor, but I can toss it
- 24" or more
- No response rate preference (we all know those are BS for the most part)
- Good contrast ratio/color
- No preference on OCD, rather go without but doesn't matter
- DVI, I don't like HDMI, the connectors always seem to break or short on monitors
- USB hub would be nice, but I'm trying to not be stubborn here
I'm no gamier...I do play assassin's creed and L.A. Noire....but I'm not nuts on it or anything
Yeah, I know...kind of ridiculous...I'm not too good with monitors and don't want to pick out a poor model.
sorry, and thank you for any suggestions. I want to ask for the cheapest possible...while not choosing crap (which is bit conflicting....I'm difficult)
24" IPS 16:10 for under $200 and good quality is pretty much impossible, unless you look for used monitors.
Those fit your description but I can't say anything about their quality -> http://pcpartpicker.com/parts/monitor/#W=2300,2800&T=1,12&H=60,240&a=16009,16010&p=1&r=192001200,192001080&sort=a11&qq=1&l=1&A=0&i=67,46
The list is short due to the low budget. ~$200-220 would give you a much better variety to choose from.
I just ordered the Dell U2414H yesterday and it should arrive tomorrow. It's said to be a great allrounder (good for work but also usable for gaming - although obviously not for competitive gaming). I can give you a feedback as soon as I've tested it a bit.
It does lack a DVI port but it comes with Displayport and a USB hub.
Here's a review from tftcentral.co.uk -> http://www.tftcentral.co.uk/reviews/dell_u2414h.htm
Well the cheapest I was able to find was an ASUS VS24AH-P LINK which is about $230 everywhere. You might be able to find it on sale somewhere but its not certain.
I don't need a "great" monitor.
I'm willing to drop to 23" as well.
I'm doing some looking and might link a few and ask how decent those are...
Regardless of the size of the screen the resolution of 1920x1200 is what is bringing up the price. I don't think its really worth the extra 180 pixels.
I suppose a 21:9 monitor would be much more worth it LINK
It will be a good choice but not if the $60 difference is too much.
how do either of these look? I'd rather trust dell before AOC
was looking at http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824005693
however, my mobo only has single hdmi. Would an hdmi to DP/DVI cable work for getting the resolution?
EDIT: Disregard this
Yeah HDMI developed to be backwards compatible with DVI either you can buy an HDMI-DVI connector or buy cable with HDMI at one end and DVI at one end.
This is your answer:
An HDMI by itself is capable of displaying 2560x1600 so that single HMDI cable will be fine.
If you prefer a matt display then you can rule out the Dell (it has a glossy display). On the other hand, I haven't read any great opinions about AOC on several forums.