Decent but not crazy upgrade from 750 ti ftw ideas

Hello, I am relatively new to pc gaming. My current rig has a EVGA 750 Ti FTW and the performance is underwhelming IMO on Far Cry 4 and other games (at 1080p). I was looking at the GTX 960 but i want some other peoples input. I don't know too much about ATI's offerings so please educate me (prefer under 250 USD).
Here is my pc:
4690K @ 4.0 GHz
750 Ti FTW
8 GB @ 1888 MHz
Asus Z97-p Motherboard.

AMDs offerings get refreshed in like 6 days.

I am not a big fan of the 960. Its not a bad 1080p card but even the cheapest ones could use another 20-30 dollars off the price.

Like the other guy said I'd hold off for AMDs new card/s although I'd favor the 280/x over a 960.

Hell the cheapest 290 (non X) from Powercolor is 219 bucks right now (probably with rebate) and a Sapphire TriX (not to be confused with the X version 290) is 250 after rebate.

I personally would go either:

Sapphire R9 290 Tri-x: - $269 pre-rebate, $249 after rebate

or I would spend a little bit more money and go for either the MSI TF V or Gigabyte G1 gaming GTX 970 which are $330 and $350 respectively

Wait a week for the new AMD cards the current line up is allready being discounted here in the uk like the 290x has droped to £210 thay will drop in the us too.

As others have said, wait until next week when AMD launches their new line of cards and see how they stack up against Nvidia in the $200-250 price range.

I suspect we'll see further discounts on R9 290's after the launch of the 300 series which, if you can grab one for $250 or less, offers tremendous performance per dollar value. Just make sure you have a good power supply as they are power-hungry. Anything that's at least 650w 80+ bronze or better is ideal.

I would really recommend you to sell your 750Ti and to look for a card in the pricerange you got(maybe 10-50$ more).

I sold my 750 Ti Zotac 2GB ED for around 130-150€ and for 5€ more I got myself am AMD HD 7950reference (I got in nearly every game doubled-more fps so I should have over 100% performance more than the 750 ti, but the internet is telling me that my new card is only 40% better so... just believe the internetz ;D), which is still playing everything on ultra if you have a suiting Processor. I'm playing witcher3 nearly on ultra(awww, only "nearly" xD) because of my processor, my GPU plays it easily exept the NvidiaHairworkfeature(had to do some tweaks until I could use it)
The prices differ but its around 150-180 bucks atm on ebay
U see, I got an huge performance boost for spending another 5 dollars and got my self a decent 3GB vram card which can compete with many newer cards(its the old version of the R9 280X) and I wont have to upgrade for another 1-3 years (maybe even longer if I don't mind setting some things to mid/low). And if you need more performance you can overclock it easily to HD7970-Niveau(its just an overclocked 7950, so I did just OC than spend more money)


7950 = 280
7970 = 280x

There is a physical difference between the two GPUs, more than just clock speeds. But, just like a 290 can be overclocked to match a stock 290x, a 7950 can be OC'd to nearly match a stock 7970. I had a 7950 previously and it was one heck of a card for 1080p gaming. :)

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Ah didn't know that, good to know :D

Yes i oc'ed my 7950 to 1100mhz on the core and 1500mhz on the vram it is faster than a stock 7970