Dear Tek Syndicate team, what soundcards do you use

I saw the new video on Logan's build where he mentioned the parts he uses and he mentioned to ask questions about accessories. What sound cards do you guys use?



Good Question.

I've been searching for a specific kind of sound card mysellf with 0 luck so-far.

consumer level or professional level? if it's consumer give this a read.


if it's professional level, well that is an area where i could learn some things.



I use my onboard Supreme FX IV most of the time. I have an old no-name DAC/AMP that doesn't sound much better on my HD380s, but I've been looking into making my own tube rectified preamp and tube rectified DAC, and grabbing a nice pair of HE-500s or HD650s.

how expensive are the parts fora project like that? does it require soldering?

I'm actually looking for a soundcard that can do professional level work, yet also be great with consumer level uses inc home cinema and gaming, yet also at the same time has a HIGH level of Conectivity.

Basically what these were back in the day (See Pic).

Audigy 2ZS Platinum Pro

I believe this is what you are looking for , and if you got some mad scientist skills you can use digikey for parts and use a thread like this for a guideline to make it better

I have considered the Xonar and the HT Omega's but the  features they usually lack are Optical Inputs, Midi sockets and the front panel the 2ZS had.
(The Remote was also handy as all get out for home cinema use)

I found one brand that came close but they haven't had any stock for about a year now....nor can i find any shops that still sell that brand.

(cant remember the brand off the top of my head atm but they used Creative chipsets and interchangeable high end Op-Amps.)

Then you probably have to bite the bullet and pony up for something reasonable yet nice in like the 200+ range

don't forget you can' have more than sound device. i also want to note the the PCIe xonars require external power and have an on boar PCI to PCIe converter and are not PCIe native.