Deal Roundup: best Ryzen coupons & half price Prey | Level One Techs

The Ryzen vs Intel debate is an intriguing and complicated affair, but what's not complicated is that in the Summer 2017 Ryzen has been getting cheaper. We've consistently seen prices come down through the weeks, culminating into further new lows this week after two coupon codes at Jet.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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Ryzen has been one of the best things to happen to the industry in a long time, and AMD has truly “shaken” team blue with this release. Sales like this only serve to accentuate this! Glad to see that AMD is sticking to their original ways with the release of Ryze. Thanks for the post, Wendell.

Well… I guess I’m getting an 1800x now.
Muh wallet hurts, but I want it!

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