Deal on a 48 port switch by tenda

I found this really good deal on the Tenda TEH1048 which normally goes for >110 at just 60. should I go for it or spend 30 on a patch panel, 8 on a crimping tool and 14 on rj45 connectors? I already have a 5 port and an 8 port switch (cheapest ones I could find at the time). I have only two computers and a pfsense box right now. as far as other tenda products I have a usb wireless n150 adaptor which was given to me when I bought the parts for my first pc

store link: COSMODATA
tenda website:

Short answer, no.

Long answer:
If you like tinkering and what to experience making network cables. Or planning an Home Lab like minec(2x 24 port hp switches with 6 ports free) maybe.