DDR4 Ram?

Coming soon? Haven't heard much about it, what do you think?





Pretty sure it is only for servers. We probably won't see DDR4 until Broadwell, or later. Even then, we don't need it, but it would be good to have.

Screw this low voltage, high frequency, high density, high latency crap. I know it's a consumist ignorant way to think but it's not actually faster. They're just changing the slots so that you pay up your ass for the newest platform when in theory they're the same speed, only bandwidth and power consumption is improved (which isn't the whole picture)

I want my 3.3v sdram at 2ns access time improved, not go backwards (sidestep actually)

What they're doing is pushing the limits of the fabrication technology, but not increasing in speed, just bandwidth, which is fucking useless for a desktop PC right now (as are integrated graphics, at this point, in the future maybe we'll get to proper small and low power yet stilll powerful graphics and processors and memory). For a graphics card yes, for a laptop that needs lower voltages yes.

I don't think this will give you any benefit in gaming,maybe only in programs that eat memory alot.

ddr4 will be twice as dense as ddr3, so yeah it will be an improvement, but exactly, games today barely use 4gb. In 2008, 2gb was the norm, now it's 4gb and big programs are happy with 8gb, but pretty soon we will double up again. It's just the nature of PC evolution.

You are totaly right from 2gb to 4gb then 8gb and then 16gb LOL. Im just interested how DDR4 slots will look like.

look at the op links:


The gap is dancing around ever since ddr1

Sdram was cooler, with it's 2 gaps and all.

I agree that games don't use much ram. I just want it to be faster. The faster it goes that happier i am, not sure though if DDR4's structure will allow that.

On a side note, i think AMD was on board with you about "Not caring about power consumtion"

