Ddosing someone

So, I game a lot in a certain community, and it's a very close community, everyone knows eachother and it's great. However, there is one specific person who has been getting on everyone's nerves. He comes on our Teamspeak channel and says: I have all your IP's so enjoy the ddos and suck my d*ck''. Now, I have been informed that it is impossible to get IP's via Teamspeak (no idea if that's true), but let's say he does ddos me, what should I do? I've tried ddosing before, with some crappy program, and I think it worked but I didn't understand anything. So, this person could very well ddos me, as I think he has my Skype somehow, and I do know you are able to get someone's IP via Skype. Again, what should I do? Could anyone explain the basics of ddosing, like I'm 5? That way, I'll know how to handle the situation better I think. Right now, the only thing I know about ddosing is that you can let your targets internet 'crash', or something along those lines, but that's literally all in know :p. 

DDOS (denail of service) is basicly what an attacker do to a website when you refresh your browser like a gazillion times, all the requests from the attacker use up all the bandwith leaving the target unable to preform tasks on that line.  



Thanks, but I'm kot talking about that kind of ddos. I'm talking about ddosing a person, and what it actually means and how to perform it. 

It's the same thing just directed at a specific IP... If you have a good connection or a VPN you should be fine... 


Rather suspicious of this post. I would have thought blocking communications with someone would be more appropriate? And then simply leave it at that. If you are worried that someone might DDOS you, I believe it is possible to request a new I.P address.

Distributed Denial of Service

means that the attack comes from many different ip addresses...

so unless he has a got a botnet... I doubt anybody clever enough to mount a bot-net would be stupid enough to advertise that fact.

Also if your residential internet connection gets flooded, you're ISP is likely just going to reconnect you, at which point you get issued a new ip-adresse, so you'll most likely get lag for about a second, i highly doubt ddosing somebody that has got a dynamic IP is practical.

... it is impossible to get IP's via Teamspeak

Well that's probably not true, but it's likely to be difficult enough so you don't have to worry.


On a related matter, are you Vehement341 on toms hardware ?

they answered all those questions (thread is marked SOLVED)

Are you a spook testing out whether people on this & other forums are interested in DDoSing ?

If so that is a really stupid thing to do, because knowledgeable people are going to play dumb on public forums, and move to dark-nets, where they will inadvertently increase the anonymity of criminals.


Thank you for your comments, I'll do what is needed. 

Yes, I do have very good internet, I'm not sure how it exactly works, but I get around 10 ms to pretty much every server hosted in Europe. 

@fluffymace I have no idea who that is, I don't even have an account on Tomshardware, I never go om that site. I just wanted to be informed about Ddos attacks, I know it is illegal and therefor I will never do it again. 

Its possible to get some one his IP Though games, and Communication software, "commview" Is a tool to do this,(not too easy to do though)..

DDOS can be done though a "Server stress site", There plenty out there..

Don't abuse it, it's a douchy move.. Still it happens..

Your ISP wont automaticly provide you with a new IP under a DDOS or DOS attack. It vant tell the difference, it can just see a lot of traffic.


You could however just turné of the router until the IP will be assigned dropped into the DHCP pool again. 

Server stress sites, are letting you use their service anonymously ? O_O

that would be crazy irresponsible


...like he would really answer you anyhow.  I agree it sounds suspect...

well ddossing a server with one single connection, is not that easy, most Ddoss tools are layer 4 tools, like LOIC, The problem with a layer 4 tool, is that you need alot of people, or a huge botnet to nuke a server down.

The only way you can doss a server down with a very fast single connection, is to use a layer 7 attack tool. But those tools are very hard to find in public. also most servers allready have a protection against those layer 7 tools.

A layer 7 tool has a script to exploit software on the attackted server, and let the software take its own server down. by filling up the memory bandwith, and the cpu ussage to its max.

I have a teamspeak server and if you are the super admin it allows you too see all their connection details.  Even if it didn't since it is hosted out of my house I can use wire shark to get it anyways.  In case you were wondering if its possible it is.

offcourse it is possible, but have the ips from all the users, is not important at all, the guy is probably a 12 yo kiddie, who has no clue what he is talking about lol.

I think that, he just thinks that, he is cool, knowing the words ipadress and ddos lol ☺

"OP" should better not botter to much about it. i personaly don´t know much about teamspeak by the way, but i suppose you also be able to run your own teamspeak server, if so just ban the sucker out of that, if you run your own server, then you can also see his ip. ☺

There are services out there that allow it to be done "anonymously"(well not really, But they keep there databases closed), Together with a VPN will make it hard to track.. 


Is it too much to ask to lock it behind a pay-wall of 1$ / account so you have to reveal your identity (i guess that even among black hat hackers the ability to get an anonymous banking account is rare )
At the very least it would shy away script kiddies.

yeah well it's more polite to formulate accusations as a question ;)

No, No and No. Your IP will change dynamically from your ISP. A DDOS on your home router...meh. You'll just think the router is acting up. Regular troubleshooting is to un-plug and plug back in. You'll be sorted fine. 

Honestly sounds like this kid saw We are Legion on Netflix and thinks he knows everything about anything. I never worry about these guys and DDOSing is such a douchy thing to do. Don't do it again

Well theorethicly your ip can chance dynamicly on most isp´s today however, mine ip adress is only chanced once in a year..

True. You can always force a change in your public IP though. Luckily my job allows me to work closely with a locally owned ISP so I'm afraid I can't speak for most