Heyy, I'm wanting to learn how to: Get peoples IP's from Skype and such... and DDos them.. I'm completely new.
Then don't. What do you plan on accomplishing by DDoSing someone? How do you plan on DDoSing? You need a botnet, shellbooter, or several people. So if you have no experiance it's not like anyone can just tell you what to do, And also I doubt anyone cares to explain how to grab IP's from skype.
This is like one of those things where if you have to ask then you probably shouldn't be doing it anyway.
There's good reason to why you cannot google this subject. If the secrets of DDoS'ing got out, then what would stop everyone from preventing it?
I'd rather give you a monkey virus and have you kill your own computer than give a script kiddie that much power.
Please, no....
1) stop being a fucking idiot
2) are you actually asking how to do something illegal on an open forum?
3) if you are asking how to do this, then oviously it is way above your head, thus if you DO try to ddos someone, you will most likely be caught.
no offence, but i hate people like you. </rant>
But all the cool kids are ddosing people, he just wants to join in
all the cool kids are finding remote code executions in java, or buffer overflows in random programs.... but you dont hear about them because they are smart enough to not ask about stuff on public forums :)
Haha, like zero day attacks. Those are always hilarious. Java, the next ActiveX... :P
- Get Commview (Cracked) Then you can get the I.P's of people on Skype, Facebook, etc...
- And, if you want to DDoS like a Baws, infect tons of computers.
- Now that you have some zombies. Run the DDoS scripts.
- Watch the target's internet turned to asteriods.
Oh boy...
Find a different hobby!
why is this thread still here?
Good point.
Someone should request to delete this thread... >__>
type this command in the command prompt
ipconfig /release
first, stop being a fucking idiot and go learn from the other retard script kiddies on the various tor nodes
second, LOIC
How do I rob a bank? How do I murder? Ugh.. If you want to do something malicious or criminal like, atleast figure it out on your own..
if you're not using ddos for mitm hijacks then you're using it for retarded reasons 100% of the time. the purpose of ddos was to deny a host traffic while you spoofed it's mac id/ip for credential reasons via arp poisoning, wifi, etc or to bypass hosts.allow/macid filtering configurations/deauthorization/half duplexing/reservation spoofing.. dos/and ddos for reasons other than that is about as lame as you can get. it was a tool for a small step to accomplish many other steps.. it saddens me that in 2013 people cling to that one step and label it hacking. it's most powerful purpose was to desyncronize a network so a configuration could be made, when the goal was completed you could ease up and let stuff resyncronize so you could move to the next step. it's purpose was definitely not to be noticed but appear to be a network glitch.
lol if you dont know what ddos is, or you have no idea how it works, better dont try it at all :P
ok let me get this right
so this is the hacking part of the forum,
a kid wants to know how to do a particular type of hack so asks in the appropriate forum
and gets shat on by a load of holier than thou D BAGS
only 2 useful posts in reply to op. djblackskull for imparting wisdom and trying to teach and Phosgene for loic
in addition to Phosgene 's post loic stands for low orbit ion cannon wich is a wepon from a game (cant remember which but want to say halo....probably wrong) whose name got used for this tool http://sourceforge.net/projects/loic/ read the disclaimer and be careful what your doing do not do illegal shit yadda yadda.......
the rest of you.....why even fucking post? the kid wants to learn, so teach, or,do one.
everyone starts somewhere, he wants to start here, who knows what he'll be doing tomorow?
if the intentions were not made he probably would have got different answers.