Okay i have been trying to DDOS my friend i had 2 others sending 65000 ping to him and it didnt slow down is connection waht so ever... Is there a correct way of doing this without cmd?? This i sjust for fun kinda of like and experiment
Bit of a dick move.
Hes in on it its just for fun to see if it will work lol
I thought 'DDOS'ing' via the CMD-command window has been 'depreciated' by Microsoft (in other words made redundant)
ATTENTION he knows where doing it he wants to see if it works..... My question is how do you do it so it slows him internet down
PEOPLE ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
You clearly dont know what you are doing.
just sending a ping with one single connection isnt gonne work. its not even ddos. It will only nuke your own connection.
Before you wanne get into of this stuff, you should educate first.
Yea you are missing the key word in in DDOS - Distributed Denial of Service - as in distributed across lots and lots of connections/pcs. If you could DDOS someone from a single pc/connection the whole world would be turned upside down overnight
You clearly can't read lol.
He knows he isn't doing it right. If he figured it out on his own then he wouldn't have had to make this thread in the first place. Stop being so condescending.
Dont worry i can read,
And im definitely not condescending!
Ddos attacks is something very serious, and it can do allot of harm and damage, if you dont know what you are doing. Its also illegal to attack some one outside your own network.
You guys are missing the point
The point was for my education I was going to test DDOSign on a friend and he wanted to test it out too so please just answer my question.. What are the exact commands in cmd like i got his IP but then what beside ping (IP) -t -l 65000 Like i have a few other people to do it with.
You got the point! Thank you
Like i said it will not gonne work that way, with only a few connections.
If you realy wanne slow a target down with a layer4 attack, then you should atleast have a botnet.
All "succesfull" ddos attacks use MASSIVE* botnets, not just a handful of connections.
*WAY WAY WAY WAY more than you have.
I'm sure with enough people you'll be able to ping of death any small router
do a google search.
DDosing is lame anyways there are so many fun exploits you can learn instead.
So a ping packet is an ICMP echo request, it will by no means generate enough bandwidth to cause any significant slowdown on the targets network. In the old days, it was possible to redirect a large number of ICMP packets to a specific host, read:
A more popular attack vector on today's network is using the NTP to dump NTP data to a target host. Because the attack can be amplified across many NTP servers, the attack can generate massive bandwidth utilization (400gbps +). Read:
To effectively perform a DDOS (well, a DOS unless you have a botnet or pay Russian criminal gangs to use their botnet) you should start out with a Kali Linux client and some spare time. Are you willing to invest one hour? Check out The youtube video at: v=hdrz5MenjuQ
wow rudeness level 100
Your internet provider isn't going to pass an icmp packet that large across their network. You can do it that way on a local network with 2-3 machines sending large packets to 1 target but you have to get a bit sneakier if you want to send this across the wide open internet.