DD-WRT or OpenWrt for my new Gigabit Router

Hi guys :D

I live in Romania, where we have a lot of complaints about services, but Internet is great and cheap.

So I recently upgraded to Gigabit fiber internet, from a 100Mb connection and got my first wireless router for the house. It's a TP-Link TL-WR1043ND V2 and I curently have the stock firmware.

US link: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833704038

What I'd like to know..which one of the two open source firmwares should I switch to? DD-WRT or OpenWrt, seeing that both are supported.

Also, what kind of improvement should I expect to see? Wireless/wired speed, range, etc increase, ability to overclock? I am really new to this stuff, sorry..

I am quite pleased with it so far, but if it can get better, why not?

Thanks  and have a nice day ^_^



First, you woudn't see a increase in range or speed at the beginning. But you would have more possibility's in tweaking the signal to imporve it. And above all Securety, dd-wrt and openwrt are much more secure than the standard firmware on this type of routers.

Link from DD-WRT (what I like to use)


I think each has it's own use case and I like them equally, but I think DD-WRT is better for a beginner.