Day trading gpu and monitor solutions? 2 - 4k 40''s or 8 - 24''s?

Hi... so I have two PC's. One has a cheap GPU that only supports 2 or 3 monitor and the other has a GTX 660 that supports 4 monitors.

I need 6-8 monitors on the one with the GTX660. So is it possible to get a second GTX660, SLI them and run 6-8? Or do I need to go a different route? They don't need to be in the surround mode.

The other PC, I need to run 4 screens on and I was thinking a card like this: or something with the same capabilities for cheaper, if that exists?
Or I could take the GTX660 and stick it in there and use that firepro for the 4K 40''s I mention below.

The 6-8 monitor (or 2 4k 40''s) PC, I already have 4 - 24 inch monitors on and was going to buy another 4 but I saw these 40'' 4k (thinking of getting 2 of them) that would be awesome cause less bezel and I wouldn't need a second GPU and I wouldn't need monitor arms... heres a link:

Do you guys have any concerns about the 4K 40''? I've watched the videos on the 42'' ones and they seem to be great. IDK if they have changed at all though with the size difference.

I would go with the 4k 40" that's a good size for 4k and having 2 monitors is much more manageable with graphics cards then 8.

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go for the 40" if it's available

also there's this 7750 with 6 mini display port outputs for $200,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=

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But why do you need 6-8 monitors? I work in the industry, no one uses that many monitors.

More monitors != more alpha

I'll concur with @shadowvengence22 and @Streetguru: the 2 x 40" solution sounds better all around. No monitor arms, much easier to set up and manage, cleaner, perhaps even cheaper. The only case where I could see having all of the smaller monitors being an advantage would be if you would be doing a lot of fiddling with different windows. If you are constantly opening, closing, and resizing windows, it's nice to be able to just toss one up per screen and forget about it, whereas having lots of window resizing on a single screen is slightly more work. But that caveat aside, and having consolidated into one 42" myself, it sounds like the better solution. What are your specific concerns with the 40"-ers? Perhaps we could help you to address them.

That is very interesting... Everyone I deal with can't seem to get enough monitors. But I'm in the futures side of trading. All technical analysis. I don't know what it's like in outside of futures.

Really appreciate everyones input here. I ended up re-running my budget and finding some refurb 24'' Acers for $87 on Ebay and couldn't pass em up.

I'm hoping within 6 months, things will pan out nicely and that's when I'll be able to get 6 40'' 4k's.