Dark Theme for NextCloud

Okay here is my first release, some things are not correct but most of the colours work just fine, if you can't read the instances of white text on a white background just select the text for now. Testing is needed so if you could complain about what is wrong or can take it upon yourself to show what is wrong, please do so.

git clone https://github.com/Li1ith/nextcloud_dark_theme.git


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If you need me to do some testing, I can spin up a burner instance any time and give it a go.

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Actually that would be great, I modified the actual files of my nextcloud install so that would help greatly.

which version would you prefer?

What means of access do you nead, or will you send me the theme for me to upload?

just download the git repo into the theme folder and pm a user/pw

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Well I did that, and enabled the theme - it sadly is not very usable - often enough the text is to dark, or to bright depending on where it is ^^. But have the look yourself -> PM

Hmmm okay fixed the file list, the icons don't get replaced like the css does, so I'll have to find the css rules for each of the images as well. but it should be use-able now.

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Very nice =) I made your user admin, as there is still a view spots in the admin panel that need work, and also can you have a look at the callendar and contacts app? =)

Great work so far, love how its going to look!!