Dark Souls is the most overrated game I've ever played!

I've been forcing my self to play Dark Souls, and after 2 days, I can say that Dark Souls might be the most overrated game I've ever played!

First, the story is somewhat interesting, at first, but then it just disappears.

Characters are virtually non-existent. There's not one character that stands out.

The game looks like shit, and on top of that it also preforms like shit. Lag and stutter every 10 seconds or so, even after that "hotfix". I would go as far as say this is one of the ugliest games I've played in recent years. There are some things that stand out when it comes to visuals (I'll mention those later).

Combat is monotonous. All these fanboys need to save that "learn the enemies' weakness" bullshit! You just have to learn when to dodge and when to attack - the same fucking thing in every other RPG game! No matter how challenging the basic enemies or bosses might be, combat is simply boring.

What makes my previous issue even worse is the fact that enemies respawn after you save the game at a bonfire. I don't mind enemies respawning after I restart the game, or after I leave the area, but respawning after "resting" is just weird, and it forces you to go through those tedious combat sequences with weak enemies.

It's not "rewarding". I keep seeing that fucking word pop up every other time somebody talks about Dark Souls! "It's challenging but very rewarding". Maybe I missed something, but the only "rewards" I get from defeating enemies, be it basic enemies or bosses, are some weapons or armor - the same shit that you get from virtually every RPG game! So how is any more rewarding than any other RPG?

No pause...? How the fuck does Dark Souls not have a pause button?! That's like one of the basic, fundamental things a video game should have - an ability to pause the game for whatever the reason. Maybe you gotta take a call during a fight, or a shit, or answer the door, or make some tea/coffee/food, etc! Who's the retard on the development team that went "you know that pause thing, that basic feature available in pretty much every game ever made? Lets take that out, I doubt people even use that feature"

The "where the fuck do I go" problem. I love exploring levels/areas in any open world game. Actually, I usually go everywhere but where the quest point me to. I want to explore everything, find the secrets, loot, hidden areas, whatever, then proceed towards the quest. In Dark Souls however, I have no idea where the quests are, or where I am supposed to go, or where is anything. There should be at least some kind of a basic map along with at least a north indicator. Maybe the map could just show general areas, like some castle to the north, a forest to the east, a cave to the west, etc. Doesn't have to be very specific. 

Not everything is bad in Dark Souls. There are quite a few things which I actually did enjoy and wish other games would've had.

The enemy and epecially boss designs are some of the best I've seen in any RPG game.

The realistic-looking armor. That's one of the things I don't like about games like Skyrim, Kingdoms of Amalur, Guild Wars 2, the armor looks like it was made by 12-years olds. It's always some ridiculous-looking flashy armor with excessive amounts of bits and pieces all over it, or it's some "sexy" shit which wouldn't actually function as an armor. It's nice to see some armor that actually looks like proper armor.

The souls function as both the XP and currency. I don't know of any other game which has a concept like this, but I definitely think more games should. It presents you with an interesting dilemma and makes you actually think about what's more important - that shiny new sword, some armor, an upgrade, or raising your stats.

Rant over

Really, its the best RPG I've ever played.

I'll agree with you to a point about Dark Souls being overrated. I personally feel it is a great game though.

For the story, it's nearly all implied. You are never "told," but shown, kinda. The story bits are how the enemies or characters acts, what they wear, your item descriptions. Much of it is still vague for the player to figure out. If you are interested, look up EpicNameBro on youtube. He's the sleuth when figuring out the story and how he came to those conclusions.

The developers have stated they are inexperienced porting for the PC and the port itself was half-assed but yeah, I dont find it much of an excuse.

The respawning enemies serves as a way to encourage the player to get better at the game. It would be easily exploited otherwise. Fight your way before death, then rest at the fire to get your life/spells back and rinse and repeat. Later on, you'll discover various short cuts and alternate routes to take so you're not running back and forth through the same gauntlet.

The rewarding bit, like I said, the game encourages you to get better. There were a couple bosses, I couldn't beat for a week and nearly breaking the controller. Then just one day after taking a break, I'll defeat them on either the first or second try and giving a healthy, "fuck yeah" shout. I suppose you could consider a false sense of accomplishment.

The reason there is no pause, is becuase the game is sort of a quasi-multiplayer where at any point (while you're in human form) a player could invade and attack you. You couldn't just pause a multiplayer game.

I'm not sure if you talked to the guy at your first camp fire after you left the asylum. He tells you what to do, but only once. When I played, I barely paid attention. I accomplished one of the objectives and didn't realize there are 2 bell towers. So, if you're lost, just explore and see how far you get and see what you find. This is of course of my favorite things about the game in general. You will not have you hand held. There are no quest logs and compass points leading the way like the past couple elder scrolls game. If you're not listening, you are s.o.l. for the most part. 

I think it's an awesome game and I'm definitely stoked to play the sequel but yeah mate, there is lots of fanboy'ing with the series in general. Either way with it's shite port, I'm glad it found its way to the PC.

The things you're listing aren't inherent problems, but rather personal preference. It sounds like this was never the type of game you would enjoy, so why force yourself to play it?

I wanted to see what all the hype was about. I kept playing it in hopes that something will change, something that will completely blow my mind, or certain aspects of the game do a complete 180. Sadly, none of that ever came.