Dark Souls Co-Op (PS3)

Hey, there, everyone. I don't know how many of you play Dark Souls (on PS3), but I was wondering if someone(s) would like to friend each other on PSN and co-op (or PvP). I've been playing a lot of this game in preparation for Dark Souls II. Let me know! Here's my gamertag: Daiarthaine65.

Oh man, to bad I have it only on Steam. I do have GTAV, Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6 for Co-op. PSN: FUN_STACK. If you have Steam, my id is the same as my PSN.


PSN: beukenboom

I've been playing the heck out of this game! Got the collector's edition too before I knew there would be one for PC but I don't regret it; I get to play the game a month early.

However I am definitely getting this on PC, in fact, I already pre ordered from Green Man Gaming and got $10 back!

See you in Drangelic  :D


Message me on PSN