Dark souls 2 on PlayOnLinux

I've been trying to run Dark Souls 2 on PlayOnLinux for quite some time.

So my game has been manually installed on a new Virtual Drive called DarkSoulsII
It has installed properly with no errors.
I made a shortcut for the game, it worked.
When I want to launch it, it crashes. So I have checked the debug files, here is what it gives me:

[04/07/15 13:43:54] - Running wine-1.5.19 DarkSoulsII.exe (Working directory : /home/lafreux/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/DarkSoulsII/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin/Gameerr:module:import_dll Library d3d11.dll (which is needed by L"C:\Program Files (x86)\Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin\Game\DarkSoulsII.exe") not found
err:module:import_dll Library XINPUT1_3.dll (which is needed by L"C:\Program Files (x86)\Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin\Game\DarkSoulsII.exe") not found
err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"C:\Program Files (x86)\Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin\Game\DarkSoulsII.exe" failed, status c0000135

From what I understand, there are 2 dll missing.
So I opened a new winetricks shell in playonlinux, checked for what seemed the most identical dlls from ''Install a windows dll or component'' folder and it still displays the same crash and errors.

Has any of you been able to play this game on linux?

Well first things first. Kill the wine bottle that you made with POL. Just kill the whole darn thing and start from scratch.

Now fire up playonlinux, go to the tools tab, and click "manage wine versions".

You now should be able to add a MUCH newer version of wine which will greatly aid you in getting this game to play.

As far as I can see right now, the latest version is 1.7.40. Install it for both 64 bit and 32 bit.

NOW install the game with steam and all the assorted DLLs. Make sure you have the basic dlls like dot net and vcrun and all that good stuff and give it a shot.

So steam has to be installed on wine? Or could I just use my Linux steam client...

You HAVE to use steam on wine. Period. That is probably one of the most crucial lynch pins in the setup.

Ok then I'll do this. I will have to get used to running 2 steam instances I guess, 1 for linux natives and 1 for windows based games.

Another question before I do that, do they have to be downloaded by steam or I can add non steam games to it. I'm a little ashamed as this is a cracked copy of the game I got on torrents but if it's not possible I'll buy the whole thing.